
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

New Releases and a quick Hello from Susan Stephens

Hello again,

It's so good to be back here chatting to you :) 

And thank you all for your wonderful response to my last two stories about the sexy gaucho polo players from Brazil. I'll be really sorry to leave these hot men and feisty women behind, and I’m so glad you enjoyed reading the series. Just in case you didn't catch the last two books in my Hot Brazilian Nights! series, here they are, and they’re on sale now!

Carrying her Brazilian boss’s baby!
Chambermaid Emma Fane is looking for the perfect distraction – and her best friend’s wedding promises to be just that. Until, heart racing, she spies Lucas Marcelos – infamous bad boy and father to her unborn child!
Lucas might have lost his head over innocent, spirited Emma for one glorious night, but he won’t lose his heir! He lures her back to Brazil, but Emma is no man’s mistress. She demands her independence and then takes a job in Lucas’s hotel – much to his annoyance!
It only took one night to change their lives…now they have nine months to face the consequences… 
Back in the Brazilian’s Bed a December 2015 release, is the last book in the series. I loved writing it—in fact, I put my heart and soul into this story to make it a fitting finale to the series.

He’s back in her life…
Events-planner Karina Marcelos has risen to the top of her field, while trying to forget Lothario polo-player Dante Barracca. Ten years ago he took her innocence – but that wasn’t all she lost after that fateful night…
She’s back in his bed!
With the Gaucho Cup to organise, Dante knows Karina is the best person for the job. But the buttoned-up woman he hires is a shadow of the vivacious girl he once knew. No one can hide under the glare of the Brazilian sun, and Dante plans to lift the lid on Karina’s secret before he lifts the champion’s cup! 
And then I went somewhere entirely different to set my next story...

After a wonderful research tip to Tuscany, I got this idea for a sophisticated Tuscan billionaire, and an absolutely unsophisticated gardener, up to her elbows in mud! I had such fun writing it, and if you enjoy Cass and Marco's story half as much as I enjoyed writing it, I think you’re going to have a blast. 

Happy reading everyone!


Nine months to claim what's his!

For gardener Cassandra Rich, working in the foothills of Tuscany is the perfect way to escape her past. Until the man of the manor graces the villa with his presence and Cassandra with his attention.

Marco di Fivizzano can't take his eyes off the delectable Cass. So when he requires a plus one for a gala, Marco will uncover who this fiery blonde is-- over dinner, or in his bed!

In Marco's arms, Cass blossoms, finding the freedom she's always craved... until she discovers she's pregnant and bound to the billionaire forever!

And that's it for now from me. So good to have this chance to chat with you!
I'll be back soon, and in the meantime, I wish you a wonderful November, full of romance, and friendship, and love.

Your friend and author,


  1. Can't wait to read your Tuscan book, Sue! :-)

  2. It would have been half so much fun without our great group, the fabulous setting, and your leadership, Mon Capitan!!!
