
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Eve Gaddy: Confessions of an Office Supply Junkie

There. I've admitted it. I love office supplies. I've written more than one blog about them because, well, it's an addiction.:) I was going to the office supply store the other day to buy mailing envelopes for a weekly giveaway on my Facebook page-- --Marvelous Mondays, if you're interested. Anyway, I needed size #2 bubble mailing envelopes. That. Is. All. I. Needed.

The first temptation, other than computers, of course, were the jump drives of various cartoon figures. Loony Toons, Superheroes, dinosaurs, turtles, penguins, you name it, there's probably a jump drive shaped like it. I have approximately 437 jump drives. I like to keep separate ones for each book, for other business related stuff, for old projects in case I need them. But my drives are not by any means full.

Sometimes I have a reason for choosing which drive goes with which book. Often I do not, or at least, not one I know of. 

For the Billionaire's Charade, Amalfi Night Billionaires Book 5, which just came out, I used the little spaceman. I don't know why. Perhaps because it's set on an exotic island?

For several of the Whiskey River books I used the fish. I have no idea why. Because I liked it?

And for Cry Love, my interracial, reincarnation, romantic suspense book, I used Bugs Bunny. Since it deals with heavy topics I must have thought I needed some levity. I love Bugs. He makes me laugh. But back to the store, I managed to avoid putting any jump drives in my basket, even though they had some new-to-me ones that were only $9.99!  Then I went down the notebook aisle.

These are just a sampling of my hundreds of notebooks. Some are pristine, having never been used. Some have very few pages because I try to rip out the old, unnecessary pages. Some are important. They are not organized by book, though I try. But again, I do not need notebooks. Of any size. Yet I had to drag myself away from the notebook aisle.

After swinging back by the jump drives and resisting temptation again, I narrowly avoided the pens and calendars. I looked at the doo-dads for the office, organizer files, pen holders, and the like. I looked at the office furniture, and no, I don't need that either. Eventually I made it out of the store with a box of the envelopes I went to buy and a three-tier small desk organizer to use for the SWAG I send with my weekly giveaways. Yes, I actually needed what I bought. But I felt like I'd run a marathon. I was totally exhausted from forcing myself to be practical! Next time I'm buying something I want that I don't need.

I have just discovered that there are writers out there who DO NOT have an addiction to office supplies. I didn't think such a thing was possible. But one of my friends, a wonderful writer, said that office supplies are necessary but why would I be addicted to them?

To say I was shocked is putting it mildly. I don't know whether to pity her because she'll never know the joy of having 8,000 pens, 427 jump drives, 952 notebooks, countless labels, sticky notes, stickers and other various and sundry items, or to ask her what her secret is.

How about you? Are you a "I can take them or leave them" or someone who likes nothing better than to browse office supply stores and lust over the goodies inside?

One lucky commenter will win one of my giveaway packages. A signed copy of Cry Love, a Tule Book Girls book bag, and lots of SWAG. Visit Eve at her newly revamped website, @evegaddy on Twitter or on Facebook at


  1. Great post, thanks for sharing. I'm usually one of those who admires a certain thing for an hour, doesn't buy it and later regrets because, obviously, it's not there anymore when I return.

  2. Okay, Eve, I may be the author you pity, and I confess you have me curious. But... I'm wondering that in addition to office supplies, how you're gonna behave in a toy store. It just so happens I need some envelopes, and I was thinking of :: gasp :: stopping by the grocery store. Instead, in your honor, I'm going to an office supply store. If I don't come out... it's your fault! Adorable post.

  3. Eve, I really hate to go into an office supply store because I come out with all kinds of pens in gorgeous colors, but pens I surely don't need.

  4. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Great post, Eve!! Oh, my gosh, this is SO me. Right now, on my desk, I can count...hold on...16 pens and two mechanical pencils. (.9mm lead because I break the other too easily) And that's just the ones loose on the desk, there's another couple dozen in a mug. Plus dry erase markers, and highlighters. And my fountain pen. And don't get me started on notebooks!!!

    Maybe it's congenital. Where other kids used to hate it when school supplies appeared in stores, signalling the end of summer, I used to LOVE it.

    Poor Donnell. Maybe we can yet infect her. ;-)

  5. I know the joys of an office supply addiction. Staples, Office Max, etc. always yields "just one more" neat something that I should add to my stash in my office.

  6. I have always loved office supplies ever since I was young. I used to gaze at the variety of stationery, notepads, journals, pens and pencils which I still find irresistible and attractive. Would I love this shopping spree? You bet.

  7. Your infatuation with office supplies put a smile on my face since I am faced with the same dilemma every single time I walk into those stores. I cannot help myself. Last time I went shopping I bought an adorable, small dark purple chair for my desk which I love and since that wasn't enough I added a journal, lined notepads and lovely new composition books. Is there a cure for this?

  8. I like post its although I never seem to remember to buy them and good pens.

    alysap AT yahoo DOT com

  9. It's good to know I'm not alone.:) I was pretty sure there were others like me. Donnell, stick with us. We'll corrupt you. Traveler, I don't know of a cure. But then, I haven't tried to find one.:)

    I talked about sticky notes in another post. I love them, especially the ones with cute sayings.:)

    Thanks! Y'all have made me feel better. See what you're missing, Donnell?

  10. I wouldn't say I have an office supplies addiction, but I do love back-to-school stock-up time. I have spiral notebooks, pencils and folders to last a lifetime. Great time to get those flash drives, note cards, highlighters….

  11. I love post-it notes, especially in shades of pink. Make it a heart shape--even better!


  12. Hmm. Kathleen, it sounds like you have a bit of an obsession to me.:)

    Denise, I love them too, but the only problem is the shaped ones are hard to write on. I have some shaped like a house and they're not very useful. But they are cute.:)

  13. You would have loved my last job before I retired... I got to order allllll the office supplies!!!

  14. So happy to know that there are others who also suffer (?) with this addiction. Whenever my husband is in need of anything he addresses me as "office supply lady."

  15. What a dream job! Be still my heart.:)

    Office supply lady--I love it.

  16. I can so relate to this post. I end up coming out of Staples with a ton of pens, craft paper and other stuff I have no need for. I have a 3 drawer plastic bin for pencils, pens, markers and other stuff that I MUST have in the office. I just cannot do without all those beautifully colored pens!!! Enjoy your addiction.


  17. Lord, I could live in Office Depot!!! I love it when they start running school supplies on sale! I always buy way more than the grandkids need!

  18. Pens are one of my weaknesses too, Anna. There are so many colors and types and styles. I almost bought some at the grocery store today.

  19. Some people can't walk by a shoe or dress store. I can't walk by a stationery store. OMG. I can't get enough spiral notebooks, post-it notes, and pens. I have binder paper up to my ying yang, but only because it is cheap, easily organized, and comes with lines to make note taking much easier. Mind you, I also write on the backs of all scrap pieces of paper (and shred them afterwards just because I don't want to share my inner thoughts, or because there's something confidential on the other side, I suppose, LOL).
    I will also confess how much I love dollar stores now. I can buy a monthly date book for less than $2, whereas the stationery stores start at $7 for something I don't even like.
    And stickers? I don't think I've met one I didn't like. They come in so handy for presents, envelopes, invitations, and, of course, scrapbooking (their original intent in my household).

  20. I write on everything too, but I don't shred them. Usually it's about characters or plots or song titles or grocery lists.:)

  21. I love it when the stores stock for the return to school. So many pens, pencil cases, notebooks etc to drool over. We do not need to buy any more, but who can resist?

  22. For my wife and I, the problem is with what we call "magic beans." Any time we go into a Dollar Store for some trinket we need, we end up coming out of the store with $20 in magic beans that we have absolutely no use for but couldn't resist because they were so cheap. Not one has ever produced a beanstalk.

  23. When my children lived at home I hoarded school supplies. Now my only addiction is buying books from the book store.

  24. Mary--Certainly not me.:)

    Bill--LOL. You'd think at least one would have produced a beanstalk.

    Laurie--A book addiction is a good thing.:)

  25. Love all the responses! The winner of the signed copy of Cry Love, the Tule Book Girls bag, and lots of SWAG is Martha L.! Martha, if you'll email me your snail mail address to I'll send it out.
    Thanks everyone!

