
Monday, May 18, 2015

Carole Mortimer: A Lifetime Achievement

In late March I received some amazing news—Romantic Writers of America have awarded me the Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award for 2015!

They had a difficult time telling me about it too—I was away on holiday at the time, and was off internet connection over the weekends, but they finally managed to track me down and tell me the wonderful news. I can’t thank them enough for this wonderful honor, I still wake up every morning wondering if I dreamt it!

It also seems incredible that yesterday, May 17th, I released Midnight Alpha, the 4th book in my bestselling ALPHA series.

Am I still having fun self-publishing this ebook series?

You bet I am!

Is my world still as frenetic and busy as it was when I first started publishing the series back in November 2014?

Yes, it is!

But in a good way. I now understand the process of self-publishing so much more than I did when I first began the Alpha series just seven short months ago, and I can do virtually everything needed myself now—something I’m very proud of, and which my six sons are amazed at. Mainly because I used to be a complete Luddite; if it had a plug on it then I didn’t want to know! I can’t get away with that nowadays, and I don’t want to.

I’m still writing for Harlequin Mills and Boon as well as my Indie books, have the second trilogy of the Dangerous Dukes for Harlequin Historical being released July/August/September this year, plus I’m busy writing a Harlequin Presents trilogy due to be published in 2016.

Life is busy, with both my family and my writing, and that’s just the way I love it to be.

Love Carole

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