
Friday, April 03, 2015

"Spring" Into Small-town Romance

We're leaping into spring with some wonderful romance set in small town or at least with the feel of small town. While it's not everybody's favorite it sure is popular with a lot of romance readers, myself included. That small town feel just adds to the warmth of the romance and sense of emotion and have I got a great line up for you this month.

We're starting with an author who got her start with Harlequin, like me, and is also a fellow Grand Central/Forever Romance author, the amazing and incomparable Jill Shalvis. Still the One by Jill Shalvis

"Still the One is a classic small town contemporary romance filled with humor, romance, heat, and man’s best friend. Jill Shalvis writes really entertaining books that leave you saying “just one more chapter.” Ms. Shalvis draws you into her fictional world with great characters you want as friends." -  Harlequin Junkie

Erin Nicholas is one of my auto buys from way back and also happens to be my very first ever critique partner and very dear friend. You don’t want to miss this book- or the rest of the series if you haven’t read it. Getting It All by Erin Nicholas

"There’s nothing like summertime in Sapphire Falls and Tucker Bennett is looking forward to hosting his best friend’s four young sons for the next three months. This is their first trip to Tuck’s farm since their father’s passing, and he’s fully prepared to step up for the boys. He’s also thrilled by the instant attraction to their aunt Delaney.  "

If you're looking for that quaint English town then this one's got it. Heat Trap by JL Merrow

"I really love this book and the series. I hope there are more coming. There's mystery, romance and humour. I like the English dialogue. I read it all in one sitting and enjoyed it all." -Amazon

Seattle may not be a small town, but Blossom Street definitely has that small community feel. Back on Blossom Street by Debbie Macomber

"There's a new shop on Seattle's Blossom Street—a flower store called Susannah's Garden, right next door to A Good Yarn. Susannah Nelson, the owner, has just hired an assistant named Colette Blake, a young widow who's obviously hiding a secret—or two!"

I'm kicking off a new series of standalone romances in the small town of Cailkirn, Alaska-where the winter nights are cold, but the men are hot. The first novel, Wild Heat, releases April 28th.

Wild Heat by Lucy Monroe
Sometimes old flames are the hottest of all . . .
In the quaint little town of Cailkirn, Alaska, it’s impossible to keep a secret, especially one as juicy as the unexpected return of Kitty Grant. Tack MacKinnon remembers her wild red curls and even wilder spirit—and still feels the sting from when she shattered his heart in college. But there’s a pain in Kitty’s gorgeous eyes that guts him to the core and Tack is determined to do whatever it takes to see the woman he still loves smile again—even if it means taking on her demons as his own.
After fleeing an abusive ex-husband, Kitty decides that the best way to heal her broken heart is to come back home. But she gets a whole new shock when she sees how undeniably sexy Tack has become. More handsome, more muscular, more charming—more everything—he’s impossible to resist. Before she knows it, they’re reigniting sparks that could set the whole state of Alaska on fire. Yet trust doesn’t come easy to Kitty anymore, and as things heat up between her and Tack, she can’t help but wonder if one of them is going to get burned . . .

"Wild Heat has sexy, interesting characters and a captivating storyline. The author’s writing style and story kept me interested enough to read it in two evenings. I’m looking forward to reading more by Lucy Monroe." –Goodreads

With more than 7 million copies of her books in print worldwide, award winning and USA Today bestseller Lucy Monroe has published over 60 books and had her stories translated for sale all over the world.  While she writes multiple subgenres of romance, all of her books are sexy, deeply emotional and adhere to the concept that love will conquer all.  A passionate devotee of romance, she adores sharing her love for the genre with her readers.
Visit her on the web:


  1. a lot of great stories and authors!

  2. I'd like to visit your small town of Cailkirn, Alaska. I've never been to Alaska but it is on my bucket list.

    I enjoy small town series: Fool's Gold-Susan Mallery, Lucky Harbor-Jill Shalvis, Virgin River-Robyn Carr, Cedar Cove and Hard Luck-Debbie Macomber, Avalon-Susan Wiggs, Whiskey Creek-Brenda Novak, Jacobsville/Tyler-Diana Palmer
