
Monday, April 27, 2015

Cover Reveal - There Goes the Bride

The best, most  fun days in a writer's professional life are the days where we meet readers who love our work. The second most fun days might be when we receive our cover art for a new book. I've been having twice as much fun enjoying the new cover art on my Runaway Brides books since I get to share the thrill with co-author Catherine Mann, who must happens to be my BFF. We both adored this cover for our May 5th release, THERE GOES THE BRIDE, the third story in the Runaway Bride series:

How beautiful is that? The image is so perfect for our heroine, who runs from a society wedding in Atlanta to return to her Tennessee roots. We think you'll enjoy Lindsey Ballard's escape from the altar--and the unlikely companion who joins her for the ride.

If you haven't started the series, the first story is a free download. HOW TO LOSE A GROOM IN 10 DAYS is available now at Amazon, iBooks and more retailers you can check out here. Between Cathy and I, we've had well over a hundred covers for North American releases and this series may have my favorite covers of all time. But it helps that we're writing brides.... brides are always beautiful! And, of course, it's fun to see my name on the same cover as my friend. I can't help but think that's really cool.

We'll be celebrating in person this week when Cathy comes to visit me and polish up BRIDE ON THE RUN, the fourth book in our series. We're going to make time to savor the fun of a joint project and talk about what to do next. At least one decadent lunch is planned, preferably overlooking the Gulf-- fruity drinks in hand.  Cheers!

***Have a cover that you love on your keeper shelf?  Do you swoon for romantic clinch covers or do you like pretty landscapes? Are you lured by male abs or beautiful gowns? Chat with me today on the boards and I'll give one random poster a copy of my latest Harlequin Superromance, NIGHTS UNDER THE TENNESSEE STARS.


  1. I love bright and colorful covers. This one is perfect. I like it to match the title. Can't wait to read it.

    1. Thank you!! We are working on the cover for the last book in the series now and it's so, so pretty. Tule (and Ms. Lee Hyatt!) do a great job with the artwork.

  2. This sounds really good thanks for the review I love the cover too.

    1. I've added both to my "To get " list, I love the superromances too.

    2. Thank you, Penney! I really appreciate that!!

  3. I like romantic covers.I am looking forward to reading THERE GOES THE BRIDE and NIGHTS UNDER THE TENNESSEE STARS..

    1. It's been fun having a few books out at once. I never would have been able to accomplish that if I hadn't worked with my friend!! Writing as a team with Cathy has been so rewarding.

  4. I like covers that reflect the story whether it be landscapes, abs, or heroines.

    1. Abs will never go out of style :-). Thank you for stopping by, Mary!

  5. this cover is beautiful--it fits the story. Those are the type of covers I love.

    1. I called Cathy the moment it arrived in our email inbox. I wanted her to see it *that second* so we could savor how pretty it was together!

  6. Beautiful gowns are a great favorite. They make me swoon even more then a deliciously chiselled hero.

    1. Mary... speaking of gowns, this was a strong trend in YA cover art for a while and I loved to pick through those beautiful covers in the book stores!

  7. Believe it or not, chiseled abs usually turn me away from a book. Too cliché, I guess. I much prefer a picture of the couple or the heroine. Beautiful backgrounds/scenery are always appreciated, too!

    1. Hi Christy! I started wanting to read romance during the years my mom read lots of Gothic stories ala Victoria Holt. I still love a good castle on a cover!

  8. Congratulations to Emma, winner of the thread prize!!! Emma, all you need to do is email me at and I'll send you over a copy of NIGHTS UNDER THE TENNESSEE STARS!

    Thank you all, my friends, for sharing my Cover Reveal!!

  9. Congratulations Emma!
    Happy reading
