Have you ever found an author that you loved? Read her second book and then nothing?
I was updating my Goodreads page this week and discovered that Amazon would remind me of the books I'd bought and there, in front of me was Sophie's Bakery for the Broken-Hearted by Lolly Winston.
I bought this book back in 2006/7 when because of a promotional card put in the goody bag at the Romantic Novelists' Association conference (so don't ever say that a postcard won't sell you a book). It was the title that grabbed me, and the cover and I totally loved the book. Her publishers released it with a new title - Good Grief - in the USand a woman wearing bunny slippers on the cover. Huge mistake. I would never have bought that book.
I gave it to my daughter when she visited and she yelled at me when she got home because it had made her cry on the train (apparently I should have warned her, although I thought the title was the giveaway). I gave a copy to my daughter in law and she loved it too.
I bought Lolly's next book as soon as it came out and although I didn't enjoy it quite as much would have snapped up another.
But then nothing and when I looked on Amazon today that was it. Her website gives no clue, her Facebook page is blank. Did she get sick? Did she discover the hard truth that it's tough to make a living writing full time (and was so even before pirate sites offered books that may have taken a year to write for free) and go back to the day job?
I hope with all my heart that it was nothing bad.
if you google her, you can see her personal FB account and twitter account links. sounds like she just went through a nasty divorce.