
Friday, February 13, 2015

Little Things Give Me Glee

Carry Her Heart, 4/15
Last year I wrote an article about writers and creativity.  Most writers have other ways of expressing their creative soul...from knitting to my personal favorite basket weaving.  Okay, so I have another source of creativity that's giving me untold glee...hang on, here are some examples:
Carry Her Heart, 4/15

Christmas in Cupid Falls, Holly Jacobs
Just One Thing, Holly Jacobs

Those are my knees...and my favorite jeans.  My daughter made me throw them out, but now they'll live on forever!  I'm having so much fun using my pictures as a way of talking about things that are important to me, and my upcoming books.  I'm no photographer, and most of the pictures are ones I took with my phone, but it's so much fun taking an image and finding a way it relates to life or a book.  So a morning sunrise as I walk, or a sunset on the peninsula all become fodder for a new book.  And of course my dogs (Ethel Merman and Ella Fitzgerald) also frequently find their way into my pictures.


It's not just books...

My dog Ella and my personal philosophy

I like to play with my photographs and some personal life philosophy and bits of glee... 
Outer Banks

My backyard..and another good idea!


My dogs, the peninsula, a trip to the outer banks...I've played with all of them!

Ethel is difficult to photograph, but sometimes I manage a good one!

Farm land outside Erie

This shot is a farm out near out camp.  It's about a half hour from Erie proper...somewhere between Union City, PA and Waterford, PA.  This is the area I set Just One Thing and Christmas in Cupid Falls in.
Ethel and Ella

We rescued Ethel and she came with...issues.  One of the biggest was separation anxiety. So we bought her a dog...Ella.  It's obvious that Ella takes her job seriously!

View on a morning walk

 So all these shots become ways to showcase a book, or something I believe.  Some are serious, some silly...but they basically are fun to play with!

I hope friends and readers online have fun with them as well!


Presque Isle, PA

Presque Isle, PA


  1. Love your pictures and your sayings Holly. I have a few pairs of jeans with ripped knees. My husband bought me two new pairs for Valentine's. I tried them on and he approved and bought both pairs. Love new jeans that fit comfortably.

    Hope you had a great Valentine's Day.

  2. Kaelee, Nice on the Valentine's jeans!! I wore a new pair yesterday to talk. I'd washed them three times. They still I talked with Smurf hands! LOL

    Hope you had a great day, too!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! I have fun in so many weird little ways!
