
Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Addison Fox: Starting Fresh

I know it’s cliché to write yet another new year’s post, but there’s something about that flip from December to January that fills me with hope. I’ve always thought a brand new calendar has a way of providing perspective like few other things can. There’s something in the air – a slight hum that wraps its arm around your shoulders and whispers in your ear: “Here’s a fresh start.”

What’s interesting, though, is that as a writer, my work constantly revolves around fresh starts. Both the literal fresh start – beginning a new book – as well as the fresh starts I write on the page. In a novel, my hero and heroine can have a fresh start any day of the year, generally evidenced by the moment I choose to place them together.

Once they have that instant spark of connection, we know as readers that their lives will never be the same.

It’s with that spirit – the wonder of “anything can happen at anytime” – that I hope you will approach the new year. Yes, January 1st has come and gone once again, but make no mistake, there are still interesting times ahead. There be good things on that path and I wish you a year full of fresh starts no matter the day on the calendar.

Thanks for joining me today!


Despite early ambitions of being a diver, a drummer or a doctor, Addison Fox happily discovered she was more suited to life as a writer. She lives in Dallas and - thankfully - doesn't have to operate on anyone. You can find her at her home on the web at Her next book, SILKEN THREATS, will be out from Harlequin Romantic Suspense in February 2015. You can visit her at her website at

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