
Thursday, December 11, 2014

So Long, Farewell!

by Anna Campbell

I've put up a picture of my first historical romance CLAIMING THE COURTESAN here because not long after Avon accepted me as one of their authors back in 2006, lovely Lee Hyat who runs this blog asked me to be a contributor to Tote Bags 'n' Blogs. It was the first time anyone had asked me to blog - in fact, back in 2006, even blogging itself had a lovely new shine.

Fast forward to over eight years later. It's 2014 and after many happy years of being a dedicated contributor every month to this wonderful blog, I'm moving on to new pastures.

Next year holds a lot of changes for me. Hopefully a new house in a new city.  A long trip to the U.K. Some new stories (always new stories in the life of a writer!). And a cutting down of some of my commitments outside my writing.So sadly after my many years here, I'm hanging up my tote bag!

We've talked about so many interesting things over my years here at Tote Bags. All my new releases and the inspirations behind them, life in Australia, other books I've read and enjoyed, travel, silly daily stuff like my love affair with a new appliance or a new piece of office equipment (my scanner still occupies a niche in my heart, you'll be glad to know!).

Thank you to everyone who has read my columns over the years and thank you especially to those wonderful people who have taken the time and trouble to leave me a comment. I've so enjoyed our conversations over my time here.

I love how the blogoverse has allowed me to find so much stimulation, discover so many likeminded people and also make so many friends. You've enriched my life immeasurably so please take a bow.

I'd also like to offer my deep gratitude to Lee, firstly for inviting me onto the blog (such a thrill for a new author!) and also for letting me meander through whatever my current preoccupations were over the last eight years. I hope one day, Lee, you and I can meet face to face and I can say thank you in person.

I'm not abandoning social media. I'll still be blogging a couple of times a month with the Romance Bandits and I update my website ( at the beginning of each month with latest news. And of course I'll still be active on Facebook and on Twitter so I'd love to see you there if you don't already follow me.

So given I'm looking backwards and forwards in the spirit of yesterday, today and tomorrow, I thought I'd put up the cover for A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT, my next Sons of Sin book which is out at the end of April 2015. And also the cover for my current release, my Christmas novella, HER CHRISTMAS EARL (only 99 cents), which hit the shelves 21st October.

I wish you all a very happy festive season and the best in 2015. With lots of happiness, health and great books! 

Goodbye and good luck! Here's a red rose from my garden for luck - and for romance!


  1. Anna, thank you for being such an awesome supporter of my blog all these years. I'm going to miss you A LOT! Much love to you and tons of luck too! xoxoxo

    1. Lee, thank you for giving me such a lovely place to noodle on about my latest obsession! It's been great. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas.

  2. Hi Anna, it's a shame to see you go, but as you say, you'll still be around and contactable. You know how much I enjoy your posts.
    Good luck with the future ventures and of course, the books!
    Love that gorgeous rose. Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much, Annie. And thanks for being such a loyal commenter! Love the Mr. Lincoln. They always make me think of my mother.

  3. Anna, people will always enjoy your columns, no matter where you go. Your books are terrific, your columns and posts always entertaining! All the best for your move and your new ventures. And have a happy Christmas. It sounds like the new year will be very exciting.

    1. Thanks, Malvina! Actually quite a few things didn't happen to plan - including selling the house. So glad you enjoy the stories and the posts! Means a lot. Happy Christmas!

  4. Hi Anna, all the best, I'll miss your posts. Even though I dont comment often, they're a firm fave of mine to read. All the best and I look forward to hearing future endeavours :)

    1. Thanks so much, Tash. Delighted you've enjoyed the posts. I do an opinion piece at the start of every month on my website too - My Favorite Things. Not sure if you've caught up with those. They're similar in tone to the Tote Bags posts although perhaps a litlte more in depth. This month's is the first of a two-parter on Georgette Heyer.

  5. gonna miss you here Anna, I have not commented much b/c other things have also stole much of my time, but will catch you on your site and books. Lee thank you for continuing to have an AMAZING blog for us to visit.

    Best wishes Anna!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Dina. Love the Bandits! And I'm delighted that you say you enjoyed the posts. I enjoyed writing them. Happy Christmas!

  6. It so sad to see you go!!! But I understand that you can only do so much :) and I'd rather see new books! I wish you the best of luck and Happy Holidays!

    1. Thanks so much, Erin. Definitely new books on the way! Thanks for the good luck and for the Holiday wishes! Right back atcha!

  7. I haven't commented often, but I have so enjoyed your posts here! Nothing is trivial or silly when discussed amongst friends! As others have said, you will be missed on this blog, but anything that gets more Anna Campbell books into our hands is not to be frowned upon!

    1. Ha, why, thank you, Louisa! Lovely of you to say so. Definitely more books on the way! And so agree with you about things being worthwhile when they're discussed among friends!

  8. Such wonderful adventures await, Anna! I'll miss you here (and other places) but I'm looking forward to reading about all the exciting things you'll be doing on your Facebook page and at Romance Bandits. And, of course, anything that will bring us more stories from your incredible imagination is okay with me!

    Lee, thanks for inviting Anna to blog all those years ago!

  9. Best Wishes in your new adventures!
