
Sunday, December 07, 2014

Publishing anniversary

 Someone reminded me this week that it's exactly twenty-two years this past Friday when my first book - AN IMAGE OF YOU - was published by Harlequin Mills and Boon in the UK.

It was a dream come true. I'd had three books rejected but this one caught an editor's eye. My crusading, madcap, heroine made her laugh - rare in romances back then - and after quite a lot of rewriting (mostly cutting "background") I got the call. It took longer to get a book on the shelves in those days and it was nearly eighteen months before publication day (by which time I'd written three more books!)

Even today I still get the most enormous buzz when a box of new books arrives but I will never forget the first time. That moment when I opened the package of books, held one in my hand, saw that wonderful cover and could exclaim to the world that YES! I was a published author! Books in the library, on the shelf at my local supermarket and in the W H Smith in the nearest town. The town where I grew up published an article, with a picture. The local paper got involved and then a national. Lots of "Mum Writes Book" headlines!

It was the most wonderful time and the saddest. Within two months both my parents had died unexpectedly (and far too young) and the anniversary is inevitably linked. I'm just glad they were both there with me to celebrate that special day.

Now, exactly on this 22nd anniversary, by some quirky coincidence of fate, Harlequin Mills and Boon have republished An Image of You as an ebook, with a pretty new cover - sadly it doesn't reflect the fact that most of the action takes places in the Kenyan bush, but after more than sixty books covers never surprise me. :)

This will be my last post of 2014 so I just want to thank you for all the support, buying the books and put in a little plug for my new look - once monthly - newsletter. There's a sign up link on my blog  


  1. Congratulations!


  2. Thans so much, Denise!

  3. Congratulations. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
