
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Janette Kenny: Rule of Three

The number three holds significance for me.  I was born in the third month of the year.  I was the first child out of three pregnancies that survived.  And my family nucleus consisted of Dad, Mom and me.   

Three is my lucky number.  My name and date of birth are divisible by three.  The third western historical romance that I wrote was my first published novel and first contest winner.  I hit the USA Today Bestseller list with my third Harlequin Presents.  My first series consisted of three historical romances.

Three has been good to me, but this year I experienced too many death trios that touched my heart.   They greatly exceeded the normal limit and severely affected my muse.  But the repeating circle of doom also stalled me long enough to stop me short of making a career move that didn’t excite me.

At present, I have three novels in various stages of editing with plans to launch my first suspense novel the first of the year.  Now the first of another series — would you believe this book is the third contemporary novel I wrote? — will be published instead.  And I’m thrilled!

Good luck overriding a streak of bad?  Time will tell, but I sincerely hope I don’t step foot in a funeral home for a good long time.

What about you?  Have you had good, bad or just strange things occur around the number three?  What’s your lucky number and has it ever failed you? One lucky commenter will receive an autographed novel from any in my backlist.  

Visit my website for a list of my works, and a sign up form to receive my occasional newsletter.

Until next time — live, laugh & love!

Janette Kenny

Janette Kenny is a USA Today Bestselling author of historical and contemporary romances.  She’s a country girl at heart.  A dream spinner with a passion for shoes, chocolate and alpha male heroes.  Visit her website and social pages to see what she’s up to next.

*** Janette's winner is Traveler! Please email with your mailing details!***


  1. I've noticed the rule of threes in my life. I've had 3 deaths, 3 appliances die, 3 births and 3 events all occur close together. My lucky # is 8. I don't always win when I use it but in general it works for me. My mom and sister always win raffles. I don't.

    1. I'm the same way, Laurie. I've entered a lot of raffles but have only won won.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Births:

      In March my niece, Elizabeth had a daughter, Lydia, on March 10th.
      My niece Becca had her son, Isaac, on March 11 and my daughter had my grandson, Everett, on March 12!

      In October we had to replace a refrigerator, a microwave and a water softener motor.

    4. Wow, those can't be chalked up to coincidences!

  2. There was an old saying way back when I was young and my late mother used to say everything happens in 3's. Well, it is true and I have witnessed this as well. My mother died suddenly and unexpectedly, then her only sibling, her sister died two weeks later to the day and then I became very ill. Your thought provoking post proved it correct as well. I do have a number which is meaningful and important. 14. best wishes and much happiness and success.

  3. I've seen this happen as well, traveler. Very fascinating and a bit eery.

  4. I can't say that I've had the "curse or luck of 3's" per se... but I do prefer even numbers anyway :) Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for commenting, Erin!

  6. The # 3 has not featured in my life - as far as I am aware.
