
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Lorraine Heath: Binge Reading

One of my favorite things to do after I turn in a book is to take a week or two and settle in to do some binge reading. It seems like when I’m on deadline, I spend most of my time scouring through my research books for all the little tidbits that will lend authenticity to my story.

But when the manuscript is sent off, I’m ready for a vacation and I take it by diving into books.

When I go on a binge, I read all genres. It just has to be something that appeals to me. I especially like when I get an advance read. I recently finished A SCHOOL FOR UNUSUAL GIRLS by Kathleen Baldwin. It will be released in May 2015. I’m so glad that I didn’t have to wait that long. It’s a wonderful story. While it is geared for teens, any age will enjoy it. It’s unusual and the prose is beautiful. Kathleen is truly a gifted writer.

My binge also included Sherry Thomas’s THE LUCKIEST LADY IN LONDON. I love Sherry’s stories. She’s an auto-read for me.

I’m presently reading Cody Gary’s BAD GIRLS DON’T MARRY MARINES. Thoroughly enjoying it. Next up will be an advance read of Sophie Jordan’s UNLEASHED. I adored UNINVITED and am so looking forward to reading its sequel. Then I’m jumping into BEAUTY AND THE BRIT by Lizbeth Selvig.

Sarah’s MacLean’s DON’T JUDGE A LADY BY HER COVER won’t be out before I complete my binge reading vacay so I need something else to add to my list. I figure I can work in one more read before I jump into writing my next story. What do you suggest? What book have you read this year that I absolutely must make time for this fall?

Three lucky posters will receive a signed copy of my latest release ONCE MORE, MY DARLING ROGUE and Addison Fox’s MANHATTAN ENCOUNTER. I loved Addison’s House of Steele series so I’m including this book in the drawing.

Happy Reading!


***Lorraine's winner is Beautiful Disaster!  Please email with your mailing details!***


  1. The cover is gorgeous :D
    I enjoy reading as well. My fave is historical romance but I enjoy reading other genres and usually switch between them especially if a cover or excerpt grab my attention.
    Thanks and happy reading,
    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

  2. Congrats on the new release!!! I'd also have to say that that cover is awesome :) Right now I'm binge reading new releases. There have been a lot of great new releases by my autobuy authors and I'm feel so greedy and excited cuz I have a lot!!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Anything by Robyn Carr and she has a new one out!

  4. Hi Lorraine! I know just the book that will keep you reading now that Fall is here and I'd love to suggest you pick up a copy of Shana Galen's True Spies - think wife, mother, seductress, spy and prepare yourself to be doing a lot of smiling while your reading it!

    PS: I had pre-ordered Once More, My Darling Rogue as soon as it was available and am so glad I did!

  5. I am a fan of your books and enjoy the various authors you mention in your post. Recently finished a wonderful book with the unusual title, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer. I would highly recommend it.

  6. Loving the title & cover.

    I'm reading A THREAD OF GRACE by Mary Doria Russell. It's quite an extraordinary read.

  7. Congratulations on your new book. I love the cover it sounds really good too, I'm looking forward to reading this.

  8. Congratulations! Love your books!

  9. Congratulations of your newest release, absolutely adore the cover! For me lately, I can't get enough of Penny Reid's Knitting in the City series. The 4th book, Beauty and the Mustache, just came out and it's also spawning a new series about the main characters 6 hot, bearded brothers :)

    ahui89 at hotmail dot com

  10. Hi Lorraine! I can't wait to read Once More, My Darling Rogue. I love reading series and this year, I've just been enjoying the newest releases from Jill Shalvis' Lucky Harbor series and Susan Mallery's Fool's Gold series. It's like visiting with family, I just love that it's gone on for so long! I always recommend those reads.

    thebigbluewall77 (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. Thanks so much, all! (I'm still having trouble posting.)

  12. I loved the book! Will you write about the other children as well please? :D I want more, nut just Avendale :D
    Hmmm, I usually binge-read Nalini Singh. I start saying I'll re-read only 1 of her books a month and then I finish the whole series without knowing how I did it. I totally recommend her :D
