
Monday, July 07, 2014

Filling the well

Just occasionally I leave my desk and take off somewhere to fill the well (usually under the guise of a research trip). This month the dh and I rented a cottage beside a creek packed yachts, fishing boats and other assorted craft and watched as the traffic was held up and the bascule was raised  to let them in and out to the gorgeous bay where the 2012 Olympic yachting events took place.

I'm using the setting to create a world for a number of stories that are whirling around in my head and had fun taking pictures of pubs and shops and anything else that caught my "author" attention, got the "what if" juice flowing. You know the phrase... "Who would live in a house like this?" :)

But the fabulous thing about world creating is that you don't have to stick with what's there.

In my world there'll be an island, and a castle (not decided yet whether it's a ruin or not) and an ice cream parlour called Knickerbocker Gloria.

Since going to the beach and the amusement park required small children to make it extra fun, the family visited with us and I got to make sand castles and eat ices (and learn that kids don't where tiny little bathing costumes any more, but costumes that protect their lovely skin.)

I've filled the well with images and experiences (and a box with photographs, maps, momentos) and this winter, when the nights draw in, I'll be reliving hot summer days in Dorset and creating a very special place.

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