
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Amy Andrews: Join Hands and Hearts and Voice…..

Hands up who’s seen Dirty Dancing? Or maybe I should be asking how many times have you seen DD? Honestly – I reckon I’ve seen it about 30 times. So when it came to me writing a duo with Ally Blake last year set in a tropical resort I knew instantly the kind of vibe I wanted. An old-fashioned family resort of Kellerman fame. A throw back to a bygone era where families actually did organised activities together when they holidayed. Back before everyone owned a television and waaaaay before the internet and iPhones. When hula hoops were the in thing and taking a rumba lesson or entering the talent quest was the highlight of your day.

A little daggy (as we say here in Oz) by today’s standards but everyone left with a smile on their face vowing to come back next year.

And that’s why Ally and I created the Tropicana Nights for our Those Summer Nights duo. Both her book, Her Hottest Summer Yet and my book, The Heat of the Night is set in this fictitious far north Queensland resort where lush tropical gardens meet pristine white sand. Sure, it’s a little battered around the edges and is hopelessly, unapologetically old-fashioned but it’s a perennial family favourite with a proud tradition that Claudia, my heroine is determined to honour when the resort becomes hers.

Of course, Luke, her co-owner isn’t so keen. He sees it as a white elephant, an Albatross around their necks that he’d rather sell to some slick hotel chain so he can go back to his hot-shot advertising executive life in London. But when the resort is flattened by a category 5 cyclone, these two old friends (and recent enemies) have to pitch in to rebuild. 

And that’s when the sultry ambience of a tropical resort weaves its magic…..

For a chance to win a paper copy of the Those Summer Nights duet tell me, did your family have a favourite holiday spot they returned to time and again when you were growing up?  (open worldwide)

***Amy's winner is Laurie G!  Please email with your mailing details!***


  1. We didn't have much money. A splurge was to go to a provincial park a mile south of town and have a picnic along the lake in order to enjoy the breeze. (We couldn't swim there, though.)
    When my own kids were growing up, we had air conditioning, so this wasn't a factor. Our favourite place to go was always to my sister's home, over 2000 miles away, as we'd rather be with family than anywhere else (or at least with THIS family member, LOL). No matter who is visiting whom, though, we try to squeeze in the theatre, museums, etc., and we can't forget our continual visits to local libraries too! (Must have something to do after we finish board/card games in the evening and some of us wander off to bed earlier than the others!)

  2. For over 10 years my family spent the last week of July and the first week of August at Sharp's Resort on beautiful Elkhart Lake in quaint little Elkhart Lake , Wisconsin. The resort consisted of the gorgeous main lodge set on a rise overlooking the lake . It featured a huge formal dining room, a large bar and rooms upstairs to rent. There were approximately 16-20 cottages to rent, a small marina and a swimming area. You could walk to town on a path along the lakeshore. The town featured several small hotels, gift shops, galleries, a park and The Forrest Tucker Theater for musicals.

    I learned how to swim, waterski and sail in the sandy bottomed lake with crystal clear water. They had dances on Saturday nights and card playing contests, bridge and Sheepshead. It was a fun, relaxing time. Friday nights we went to neighboring Crystal Lake to Hecker's Bar/restaurant for the most delicious fried chicken I 've ever eaten. We also spent time golfing, horseback riding and go-carting at the famous Road America track.

    When I turned 13 the owner died and all the cottages were sold. I would have loved for my family to have bought one. However, that summer my brother turned twenty. He no longer wanted to go on family vacations. Luckily I have fond memories of my summers on Elkhart Lake.

  3. We always went to my grandparents in TN (500 miles away), and we'd go camping in our travel trailer in PA, but that's it.

  4. No we did not have a favorite holiday spot, we just took drives around different areas!

  5. DIRTY DANCING is a great favourite of mine.

    Growing up we always headed to the Sunshine Coast, QLD for holidays. Just so beautiful. My parents eventually retired to there. So, we still go there each year, as often as we can.

  6. Back in the 60's & 70's, we tent camped for a couple of weeks every summer. After we found the Canadian National Park at Georgian Bay in Onterio, we didn't want to go anywhere else. Stunning scenery, fishing, hiking, water sports, etc.

  7. Ooh I'm loving these! Laurie you're Elkhart lodge sounds exactly like I imagine American family holidays yet clearly from the other answers family holidays are of course exceedingly diverse.
    Funny how we have these per-conceived ideas from the things we watch and read isn't it?

  8. THANK YOU AMY! I'm looking forward to reading THOSE SUMMER NIGHTS featuring your Tropicana Nights Resort.
