
Friday, April 18, 2014

Susan Stephens: The Purest of Diamonds?

There are some wonderful people who can brighten a day and lighten your life. I count myself lucky to have family members, as well a few precious friends just like this, and they - combined into one character - were the inspiration for my heroine Leila Skavanga.

Leila, the third and, apparently, the quietest of my Skavanga Diamonds, is one of these radiant types who makes us smile and feel good while they're around. I guess we root for them to succeed more than most other types, because while they're busy spreading a glow over everyone else's life they don't spare a thought for themselves.  

And of course I had to pick the hardest of my three men for Leila. Raffa Leon, a ruthless Spanish grandee, finds himself hog-tied and mesmerised by someone so forthright and appealing, he just can't sustain his ruthlessness for very long - though he sure as heck tries! Just as Leila decides that for once in her life that she's going to 'let that mouse inside her roar'!

I hope you enjoy reading the result of this combustible pairing as much as I enjoyed writing the book. And now my question for a signed copy from my backlist is this...

 Who in your life 'lights up your life' and why? There's a signed copy of my book waiting for the best answer, and I for one can't wait to get this happy focused chat underway!!

All the very best of luck to all of you
And, Happy Reading!


*** Susan's winner is Laney4! Please email with your mailing info.***


  1. My daughter lights up my life. She is bright & funny & honest & true. The honesty & humour often go hand in hand.

    1. Susan had problems posting a reply so I'm adding it for her --

      What a lovely thing to say, Mary. I'm blessed with three children, and like you I can honestly say 'they light up my life'. ~Susan

  2. My granddaughter who is 2 1/2. She brightens my day with her laugh and her smile. She loves to read. I enjoy dressing her in her cute little outfits and playing kitchen/picnic with her doll and stuffed animals. She brings sunshine into my life. Yesterday she went to an Easter egg hunt party. The excitement on her face when she showed me all of her treasures. The innocence and wonder of life through the eyes of a child is an eye opener.

    1. Susan had problems posting a reply so I'm adding it for her --

      Laurie, I know just what you mean. I have five year old twin granddaughters, an eighteen month old grandson, with another baby on the way. As you so rightly say, it's their innocence that touches me and makes me smile over and over again. ~Susan

  3. I tell people my girlfriend is the best husband I know. She puts in fireplaces, drywalling, electrical conduits, flooring, etc., all according to Code. She thinks of great ways to brighten up homes and then goes out and just does them. She uses all sorts of power tools and saws, plus she installed rocks and waterfalls over her entire front and back yards so she didn't have to cut grass anymore.
    ANYWAY, she tells the greatest stories. She will walk into her favourite hardware store and boldly state that she'd like some caulk or something along those lines ... or perhaps she'll say that she was "driving something hard" earlier in the day. The stories are priceless the way she tells them (so my apologies that I cannot replicate that here), and the staff treat her accordingly. Sometimes when it is quiet in the store, they have been known to see her pull up outside, and then a staff member will rush to the front door and flip the sign to closed before she can enter, and everyone laughs, of course.
    Last week a new member to our badminton club asked my friend if she could be a "laugh coach". She would do well with that "job".

    1. Susan had problems posting a reply so I'm adding it for her --

      LOL I want your friend! She sounds amazing. Friends are so special. We forgive them everything, as we HOPE they forgive us!!! just for the sheer joy of having them around. ~Susan

  4. My best friend lights up my life. We have been best friends (more like sisters) since 7th grade. She has always been here for me, and I am here for her as well. Years ago when I broke my ankle, she came over and cleaned my house for me. When my husband died, she took me to the hospital and then a mental health crisis center, and picked me up and brought me home afterwards. We talk almost daily and we go out several times a week to have our nails done and/or eat out. We are both Christians, and help each other. I would be lost without her.

    kscathy at yahoo dot com

    1. Susan had problems posting a reply so I'm adding it for her --

      Cathy you sound to me as if you have a very special friend indeed. Those that stay by our side through the bad times as well as the good are a true blessing and I'm so glad that you have this wonderful person in your life. ~Susan

  5. Apologies for having a problem with my computer - these are all such lovely comments, please do send your contact details in so that I can send everyone a small gift from me. You can contact me at
    Thank you again for taking the trouble to write in...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Everyone,

    And thanks to Laney for pointing this out...

    You can find the Susan Stephens web site at .com and .net but please address your mails to .net

    Thank you! And thank you once again for taking part!

  8. Thank you. I have sent off an email.
