
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!


    I know I am a bit late with my HAPPY EASTER wishes but I do hope that your Easter is a happy, healthy and blessed day for you and your families! 

   It's an easy day for me now that the kids have grown and we have no wee ones who need to hunt for Easter eggs...I even try to avoid getting Easter candy because we (hubby and I) are the only ones who will eat it...LOL! A far cry from the days of multiple Easter baskets filled with cello grass, plastic eggs filled with pennies and lots and lots of chocolate eggs, bunnies and assorted shapes....

    So, I'm off to cook the ham, hashbrown casserole and green beans.... Hope your day is a good one....! 


Terri is thrilled that the last in her MacLerie Clan series - YIELD TO THE HIGHLANDER - came out in print this week and will be released in digital on May 1st! Visit her website for more info! 

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