
Sunday, March 02, 2014

Maisey Yates: Birthday Presents!

Today is a very special day…because today is my birthday!

I just got back from London, and the day really snuck up on me (Darn February…why is it so short??)

I was in London sightseeing with my mom (it was a first time for both of us and it was magical!) and also visiting the UK offices for Harlequin.

I’d never had the opportunity to visit one of my publishers before, and while I’ve met many of Harlequin’s editors at conferences, I’ve never been on their home turf.

When I arrived, I went in for a meeting with the whole Presents team. We talked about the years I’ve had with them, and the years ahead, and it was wonderfully encouraging.

Next up, my mom, and everyone in the office, joined us for a champagne/sparkling grape juice toast.

Then we went on a tour of the office. I loved getting a chance to see where everyone works. I’m fascinated by how things run on the ‘other side of the computer’. The desks are set up in groups, and that keeps the teams for various lines in close communication. A massive contrast to working at home like I do!

From the main office area, we went upstairs to see the social media crew, then on to my very favorite part of the tour - the library. It’s filled with all of the books published from Harlequin UK over more than ten years. It’s AMAZING to say the least!

I may have sneaked out with a few books…maybe. I won’t confirm or deny.

But then, it wouldn’t surprise anyone to know I had! One thing that’s very clear about everyone in this business - editor or writer - is that we LOVE books.

And speaking of books…since it’s my birthday, I want to give YOU a present!

I’m going to pick FIVE commenters to receive ebook copies of my recent North American releases - A Game of Vows and Her Little White Lie!

Leave a comment below for your chance to win!


  1. Happy Birthday, Maisey! Hope your day is full of fun and that you're spoiled rotten!

  2. Happy Birthday, Maisey. I would love to visit London someday. There are so many things I want to see and do there.

  3. I'm so glad you had a great birthday! I'm currently rereading "Hajar's Hidden Legacy" because YUM! You write brooding men so well...*fans self*

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Happy birthday to the most wonderful writer ever!
    I wish that for every extra candle on your cake, you receive an extra reason to smile. Happy Birthday to you!

  6. Happy Bday! Have an amazing year and *batting eyelashes* give us many more great books :D

  7. Happy Birthday Maisey and so glad you and your mum had a great time and I have your books ;) Seeing that library would have been brilliant and I would have set up house and moved in.

  8. Happy Birthday!!!! May this next year be even better!!

  9. Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you celebrated it in style ;) Thanks for sharing with us!

  10. Enjoy your day! Hope you eat lots of cake and ice cream to celebrate. LONDON, I'm jealous! How nice to go sight seeing with your mom. Did you have a favorite?

    It sounds like the PRESENTS line has a great team behind it. I love the PRESENTS line of books. I'd be in heaven to see the one's that I missed in the past 10 years.

    Thanks for the chance to celebrate with you. I'd love to read HER LITTLE WHITE LIE and A GAME OF VOWS!

    HaPpY BiRtHdAy!

  11. Happy birthday!! Hope it was a great one!

  12. Happy Birthday :)
    Sound like you had s great day.

  13. Happy Birthday!!! Hope it was filled with fun, laughter, love, family & friends - and of course, plenty of cake & ice cream.
    I have always enjoyed reading books published by Harlequin -- especially the romantic suspense ones in which ever 'line', but nearly ALL the books by Harlequin have been good.

  14. Happy birthday Maisey! I hope that you had a wonderful day.


  15. Sorry all! I got snowed up under with revisions and forgot to check back (ugh) if any of you still want a book, email me and maisey at maiseyyates dot com. ;)
