
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Melanie Milburne- Never Say No To A Caffarelli

Five Things I’ve Learned From Writing 50 Books

You need to be tough

Writing is not for the faint hearted. It’s mentally and physically exhausting. It’s lonely and isolated. It tears you away from family and friends. It keeps you awake at night. It haunts you during the day.
Have I turned you off yet? No? Then read on…

You learn to write by writing

I’m addicted to books on the writing craft. I have dozens and dozens of them. I attend every big name story workshop I can. I do writing courses. But the way I learned to write was by writing. It’s like training for a sport. You can read every book there is but unless you get on the playing field how will you know if you can make the grade?
I’m still learning. Every book I write I learn something new about the craft of writing, and more importantly - something new about myself.

Reviews are just one person’s opinion

I admire any writer who says bad reviews don’t upset them. I wish I could say the same! The trick is to not take it personally. The review is not about you as a person. It’s about your writing.  At least that’s something that can be worked on.

Writers are born and made

I’m ashamed to admit that in the past I fell for the saying- Writers are born not made. I was wrong. Anyone can learn the craft of writing. It’s fabulous these days with a plethora of online courses and webinars available. There are so many wonderful opportunities to improve as a writer. Don’t waste them.

Self-doubt never goes away

I wish I could tell you it gets easier but every book I write I think is going to be my last.  Yup, every book.
The best thing about writing my latest trilogy was I couldn’t throw my hands in the air during book one and wail in my usual hysterical fashion, “My career is over!” I knew I had two more to write!

I hope you enjoy my 50 Book Never Say No To A Caffarelli. Rafe Caffarelli, who only ever drinks his coffee black and strong with no sugar, locks horns with sweet-toothed tea drinking tearoom owner, Poppy Silverton. He wants her house. She won’t sell it.

I have a signed copy of Never Say No To A Caffarelli as well as a copy of Book Two-Never Underestimate A Caffarelli (just to prove I actually got on and wrote it!) and a celebratory gift pack for one reader. If you could invite two (either living or dead) people for afternoon tea who would they be?

Warmest wishes,

Melanie Milburne 

***Zoe is the winner!  Please email with your mailing address!***


  1. Michelle Obama- intelligent, caring mother, a wonderful motivational speaker, love her campaign against childhood obesity, an excellent role model for women

    Kate Middleton- new caring mother, wonderful role model for young women, intelligent

    1. Oh yes, Laurie! Two fabulous choices. I want to come too!
      Thanks for posting.

  2. I enjoyed your beautiful and intriguing post. Simply delightful with lovely photos too. I would invite Sir Winston Churchill since I admired him greatly for his wit, his writing, his speeches and his steadfast strength.
    Mark Twain since he was fascinating with a sense of humor and a great writer.

    1. Hi Traveler,
      Thank you for your lovely comments.
      You are right about Winston Churchill's wit. He was the master of the quick come back.
      Mark Twain had some great sayings too. I think it's time I reread The Adventures of Huckkeberry Finn. It seems like eons ago... actually it was!

  3. What a special post which made my day. I am a tea drinker from way back and those delectable goodies sure are appealing.
    I would invite Donald Sutherland and his son Keifer Sutherland. I am enthralled with their acting, their talent and know that their conversational skills would be endless.

    1. Hi Petite,
      Aren't all those tea varieties gorgeous in the first photo?!
      Did you see Donald in The Best Offer with Geoffrey Rush? It was a good film.
      Thanks for posting!

  4. Well I would love to invite my first two favorite Harlequin (M&B) authors, Mary Burchell and Betty Neels. Mary Burchell and her sister helped Jewish people take their money out of Germany in the 1930's. Betty Neels because she would be able to tell me a lot about both Holland and England. I wonder if they ever met in real life. I don't know if M&B had author's conventions back in the 1950 's and 1960's.

    I would have a really hard time picking out current authors as there are so many I would love to meet. An afternoon tea time would allow just enough time to visit a bit but not enough time for anyone to be bored with me.

    1. Hi Kaelee,
      I'm sure I wouldn't be bored by you! You sound like a lovely person to have tea with, and you love two of the greatest M&B authors of all time.
      I read that only recently about Mary Burchell and her war effort. What a wonderful person.
      Thanks for posting!

  5. I think I'd invite Amelia Earhart and Charles Lindberg. I think the tales they could tell would be fascinating.

    1. Hi Linda,
      Oh yes, Amelia was an amazing person. So too Charles. So many interesting people. We really do stand on the shoulders of giants.
      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  6. I'd invite my grandmother. She's been gone for twenty years and I still miss her.
    The other person I'd love to invite is Jennifer Crusie. She's a wonderful writer and so much fun.

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      I'm with you on Jennifer Crusie! And I would love my grandmothers to be there too. I never met my Dad's mum because she died when he was a baby. I've often wondered what she was like.
      Thanks for posting.

  7. Thank you for this wonderful chance. I can't wait to read these books and I have to say those pictures are "Delicious looking ".
    I would invite my Mom. She's gone almost 15 years and there isn't a day that goes by I don't miss her hugs, laughter and wise words. The other would be Gregory Peck the actor. I just adored him, especially in To Kill A Mockingbird. Thank you.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Hi Carol L,
      I'm so sorry about your mum. It must be so hard when you have so much you want to share with her and she's no longer there.
      I totally adore Gregory Peck. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my all time favourite books and films.
      Thanks for taking the time to post.

  8. Dale Earnhardt and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. (Can you tell I'm a
    Nascar fan?) I'd ask Dale for tips to refine and improve
    Junior's track technique!

    Pat C.

    1. Hi Pat,
      I love Nascar! I could do with some tips from the two Dales myself!
      Thanks for posting.

  9. Margaret Gaskell - a fascinating woman ahead of her time and Richard Armitage who played Thornton in the miniseries of her book North and South. I'd love to hear them talking about the characters and the background to her book about the changes the industrial revolution brought to England. Loved hearing him talk about playing Thornton and as a bonus would get to see just how blue those eyes are!

    1. Hi Zoe,
      I'll have to check out those blue eyes! I haven't seen that miniseries but I've read the book quite a few years ago.
      Thanks for dropping by!

  10. My grandmother who was the sweetest lady ever and my best friend. Also Jane Austen, really witty and I would love to chat with her over tea and cakes :D

    1. Hi Jo'sDaughter,
      Now you're talking! Jane Austen would be brilliant. I wish, I wish, I wish we could time travel!

  11. I'd actually invite my Mother & Queen Elizabeth II. I just know the conversation would flow as readily as the tea.

    1. Hi Mary,
      The Queen would be wonderful. At the end of the day she is a mum, grandmother and great-grandmother like so many other women. I bet she'd have a few stories to tell!
      Thanks for posting.

  12. I would invite a woman who lived next door until she died at 94. She was like a mom to me during my formative years, always there when I needed her. We enjoyed many an afternoon playing Scrabble together or just sitting in her living room, watching the original Jeopardy show with host Art Fleming, as well as the original Concentration game with host Hugh Downs.
    I would like to sit down (separately) with my biological father, who lived across the street from our family and I loved "like a dad" dearly. He died in 1979 when I was too young to understand how he could have had a long-standing affair with my mother while she remained married to my "dad", but he always went straight to the matter at hand when discussing and teaching me things through the years. I'm sure he would have (honestly) explained things to me later (whereas my mom wouldn't and didn't), but he was taken from us too quickly. My "dad" died in 1990 and my mom in 1995, so my mom had 5 years she could have had an easier time telling my brother and I (about us being sired by the bio dad, while our two elder siblings were apparently sired by our "dad", yet my "parents" remained together throughout all this, for a total of 49 years). We learned years afterward (when I was 39) from the bio dad's family, as they had been shown pictures of us as youngsters while he explained details to them. Once "the cat was out of the bag", we learned that many others in our small town had also known about it since we were toddlers. Amazing....

    1. Oh my goodness, Laney4, you've got the most interesting back story! Aren't families such complicated things? Thanks for sharing it with me. It must have been quite a shock to you to find out so late.
      Thanks for posting.

  13. Those pictures... wow...
    Hard question! I think I would invite Cleopatra the 7th, her life was fascinating and I really admire her, and Nalini Singh, she's my favorite author and I want to know everything about her books :D

    1. Hi Aly,
      I don't know much about Cleopatra the 7th but I can tell you I know Nalini Singh and she's gorgeous in looks and personality.
      Thanks for posting!

  14. OMG....I think I just gained 10 pounds looking at the pictures you posted. I think I would invite Scarlett O'Hara and Jane Austen. That should be a conversation worth listening too!

  15. I would invite my husband and mother. My husband passed away on August 1st and my mom has been gone for 15 years.

  16. My grandma (who passed away when I was about 6 years old), my Mom told me, she loved me so much. Only have some vague memories of her. The second one is Judith McNaught, if it weren't for her, wouldn't love reading books. :)
