
Thursday, September 05, 2013

Elizabeth Lane: Tumbling Through Time

Last year, after writing thirty-four historical novels and novellas, I finished my first book for Harlequin Desire.  I was sweating bullets all the way.   And my respect for authors who write contemporaries has grown by giant leaps.

Yes, historicals take a lot of research.  The Westerns I write are easier than most.  When I get to a blank spot in my story, I can always throw in a gunfight, a prairie fire, an Indian attack or a rhapsodic description of a desert sunrise.

A series contemporary, on the other hand...What can I say?  A story for a line like Desire is bare bones plot—a hero, a heroine, a compelling situation and lots of sizzle.  No arch-villain, no historic setting, no grave physical danger, spilled blood, chases, races, or cliffhangers.  Just the intense, evolving relationship between a man and a woman. 

My latest Desire, THE SANTANA HEIR, came out this July.  I confess to loving these shorter  romances, where the focus is on the emotional conflict.   Writing them has helped me discover ways to intensify the conflict in my historicals.

This month I have a historical out. THE BALLAD OF EMMA O’TOOLE, a Western set in the 1880’s.  It’s a book I love. 

How about you?  Which kind of stories do you enjoy most, contemporary or historical?  Those of you who write, which do you most enjoy writing?  Why?

I’ll be sending copies of BOTH books to one reader who comments today.   Good luck, and enjoy.


***Elizabeth's winner is Penney.  Please email with your mailing address!***


  1. I enjoy reading both the historical and the contemporary. I love the rich background of a historical. But I love watching the development of a relationship in a contemporary. So I'm happy reading both!!

  2. I enjoy both, depends on the mood :D

  3. WOW that looks like Nicole Kidman on the cover of your historical. Got to love a gambler hero!

    Novels- I tend to read historicals first closely followed by contemporaries.

    Categories- I tend to read more contemporaries because there are more to choose from: Blaze, Desire, Presents, Super Romance, Romantic Suspense, American Romance, and Inspirational.
    I do own a few Historical and Historical Inspirational too.

    I'd love to read either of your books. They both sound fantastic!

  4. I like both. I started reading romance as a preteen and historicals and category romance were the books I read. :)

  5. I enjoy historicals for the captivating and fascinating era portrayed and contemporary novels for the modern outlook.

  6. Historical novels allow me to escape to another era and place which I enjoy greatly. Contemporary stories are a favorite since they are relevant to any situation right now.

  7. I prefer historicals because I love the clothes, the air of refinement, the balls, etc.

  8. I prefer contemporaries simply because they are faster to read. If I start a contemporary in the evening, I can easily finish it before heading off to bed (with sweet dreams). I can't start historicals in the evening, as I will stay up all night in order to finish it, loving every detail along the way, mind you.
    Congrats on the "crossover"! I can't imagine all the changes you'd have to make between one genre and the other (as I bet there are more subtle changes not even noted above), but, after you were done, at least you recognized changes you could make to historicals based on lessons from contemporary writing! Way to embrace both genres, and keep up the good work!
    Thank you for your informative blog above (which I found just the right length: not too long and not too short). Enquiring minds DO want to know, LOL!

  9. I love the historical romances and I'm just started reading the contemporary romances I love them. I love the old west.
    These sounds very good I can't wait to read them.

  10. I love both historicals and contemporaries! I usually switch back and forth between them. I love the covers on both your new books!
    Congrats on the new contemporary release and hope to see many more.

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  11. I don't prefer one over the other. Just look for a good story :) Thanks for sharing and congrats on the new release!

  12. First off I must tell you how much I enjoyed In His Brother's Place. I loved the cover so much. Who can resist a cowboy and a pint sized cowboy wearing stetsons. I was surprised to see your name on it as I have read some of your historical books. Loved the twin aspect to the book.

    I love reading an historical every once in a while but I read more contemporaries.

    Just read the cover blurb of The Ballad of Emma O'Toole and I love the idea behind the story. Marring the pregnant sweetheart of the man he just shot or death maybe. Just have to know what Emma thinks about all this.

  13. I love reading both historicals and contemporaries.
    To be honest, I think the historicals have just a
    bit of an edge on the contemps!

    Pat C.

  14. While I read and enjoy both I do prefer Historical stories. I appreciate all the research that goes into them.

  15. I enjoy both. They have different flavor and different take on situations. But I have a soft heart for historical romance. My best friend introduced me to the world Old England and we enjoy discussing our favorite books, lines and authors when we get together.
