
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I'm Hitting the Road by Jenny Gardiner

Forgive the late nature of this post -- I've been swamped this week as I am preparing for a big adventure. I leave Sunday for a long trek in which I plan to walk from the Swiss Alps to Rome for a month. And to prepare for just me and a small backpack for a month, I have to get through a lot of have-to's, it seems. I hope you'll follow me as I undertake this journey. I'll be walking part of an ancient pilgrimage route known as the Via Francigena, which extends from Canterbury, England to Rome. That would take three months to traverse, so I decided to take on a more manageable chunk of it. I hope to walk about 16 miles a day, and I will post more on my blog as I get ready to leave and while I am on the road. I hope you'll stop by and follow my adventure, and you can also find me posting on Facebook and Twitter (see below links). My blog will have details, including information about a charity I'd like to raise funds for while I do my walk (which I hope will total about 500 miles by the time I complete it). Hope you enjoy it! Jenny

  Sleeping with Ward Cleaver

Slim to None

Anywhere But Here

Winging It: A Memoir of Caring for a Vengeful Parrot Who's Determined to Kill Me

Accidentally on Purpose (written as Erin Delany)

Compromising Positions (written as Erin Delany)

I'm Not the Biggest Bitch in this Relationship (I'm a contributor)

And these shorts:
Idol Worship: A Lost Week with the Weirdos and Wannabes at American Idol Auditions

The Gall of It All: And None of the Three F's Rhymes with Duck

Naked Man On Main Street
find me on Facebook: fan page
 find me on twitter here
 find me on my website


  1. I am quite envious. Have a wonderful time.

  2. "Good Luck" with this monumental undertaking!
    What kind of support system will you have?
    Good luck on the fundraising!

    Pat C.

  3. Thank you so much! I will have a GPS and emergency phone to use along the way. I have a few contacts in some european countries in case of dire emergency--hopefully I won't have that!

  4. Hi, Jenny! I am so very thrilled for you for undertaking this amazing trek. I lived in Paris for six years and was able to visit many of these places so I can certainly tell you that you are going to experience such fabulous things that will stay with you for the rest of your life. I looking forward to keeping up with you on your blog, Facebook and Twitter. Wow - just Wow!! :-) Have fun!
