
Thursday, August 08, 2013

Another day, another series...

My books have been all over the place for the last couple of years, moving from Romance to KISS in the US and, with  the "rethink" of the Riva series in the UK, they weren't available at all unless you were a member of the Mills and Boon Bookclub.

That situation changed this month with the launch in the UK of Modern Tempted and I have to admit it's a bit exciting to be in those iconic "blue" covers.

These books, like KISS, are described as "Fresh, Flirty and Stylish" and are being written by some of the most innovative and talented authors in the HQ stable. A lot of them are really sexy, mine not so much, although moving on with the series they will be moving in that direction (it's a steep learning curve and whole new vocabulary!)

Two of my books are getting their first retail outing in the UK now and they're available at Mills and Boon now, or to pre-order at Amazon UK

Right now I'm working on a new, as yet untitled book for the series - here's a screen shot of what my working day entails... :)


  1. Wishing I was in the UK! Congratulations on the release of your two novels and best wishes on getting the third one finished quickly!

  2. Sounds as if your books have been zigging
    and zagging all over the place lately! I
    have hopes of catching up with them soon
    since I enjoy reading your books.

    Pat C.
