
Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Jory Strong: Why Paranormal and Romance?

I was recently interviewed by a Canadian reporter doing an article on erotic romance and she asked, "Why paranormal? What's the draw?"

It's something I've asked myself more than once. With the release of Inked Destiny (whoo hoo!), I'm at forty-five published stories. Forty of them are paranormal. The five that aren't are all set in my Crime Tells world.

Why paranormal? A simple answer would be escapism, but then that's true to some extent of any book. Another might be empowerment, especially if you're a fan of the urban fantasy genre as I am. Oh to be a kick-A heroine living an adrenaline-rush-filled life, with plenty of mouth-watering masculine suitors to choose from!

What's not to love about a hero with wings or one who works amazing magic or who can change shapes? Love of course, is a big part of the draw. Loving, being loved, and falling in love vicariously never gets old. The romance genre is to publishers what slot machines are to casinos. It's a large, steady source of income.
But beyond the obvious, when it comes to paranormal stories of the romance and urban fantasy flavor, what draws me in is that in some small way, it's like re-experiencing the wonder of the world around me that I felt as a kid. Back then, anything was possible. The woods across the the street seemed vast and endless and held all kinds of amazing things, both real and imagined. A bike ride to the 7-Eleven for a Slurpee had the potential to turn into a grand adventure.

I smile thinking about it, because looking back now, it was obviously an early warning sign that I might spend my life "lost in the muse," in the what ifs that fuel fiction and fantasy. Questions abounded: What if exploring the woods led to the animals talking to me? What if I came across someone injured and after saving their life found out they weren't really human, only human in appearance? What if I discovered I was something more than human?

Here I am, well into adulthood and still drawn to the wonderful possibilities that last question generates. And lucky for me, I get to share them in Inked Magic and Inked Destiny, where tattoo artist EtaĆ­n is a changeling elf just discovering there is a supernatural world alongside the very human one she's grown up in.

With the touch of her palms to skin she can see the things held in another's memory. But her gift is changing, and where before it made permanence impossible when it came to a lover, now survival depends on keeping two. Only the men in her life bring an inherent danger of their own. Eamon is an Elven lord, and Cathal, the son of a mob boss.

What about you? What keeps you coming back to paranormal in your romance stories?

One lucky commenter will win their choice of Inked Magic or, the sequel, Inked Destiny, either print or gifted ebook, winner preference.


***Jory's winner is Eli Yanti!  Please email with your mailing information!***


  1. What keeps me coming back to paranormal romance?

    Everything you've mentioned resonates with me, Jory.

    But I also love exploring the world-building in others' books and creating it in my own. Taking the paranormal and making it fit to some believable order yet keep it unpredictable enough to keep readers/or myself wondering "what if" or "what happens now?"

    There's magic in being able to do that successfully. :-) It's a thrill when you end up submerged in another's world, and such satisfaction in being able to build it yourself. There's such diversity and scope in playing with the paranormal.

    And finally, it's just plain addictive!!! :-)


  2. I've only read a couple of paranormal books,
    so I'm not really being "pulled back" to them.
    One item that does interest me is the world-
    building and the other world characters who
    populate these "new" worlds.

    Pat C.

  3. Congrats Jory on the newest release!!!! I love Paranormal b/c I love how unique and original the stories are :) I like jumping into a literally new world and finding out what exists in that world. And fitting a romance into all that makes it all the better!

  4. It's that element of surprise and how the mind is instantly set to go wherever the book wants to take the reader.

  5. I think that Paranormal adds another element of excitement to the story. The situations are often unique to that particular story. The danger heightens the Romance.

  6. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Thanks for posting everyone! I'm a day late stopping in. My apologizes. My web site and my internet were both down most of yesterday.

  7. I just really like everything about paranormal. The possibilities for stories and characters seem endless. I especially enjoy shifter romances because I think it would be really cool to be able to change into something completely different.

  8. I love paranormal. It is my favorite sub-genre. I love different authors takes on paranormal. I like what stories or myths that different authors take, light some can fly, go out in daylight and night or night only. I especially love wolves and vamps, but a mixture of both is always a good story. This is a new author for me. I love the covers of these books and definitely adding this series to my reading radar.
    christinebails at yahoo dot com

  9. I love PNR because the great of author amazing imagination to create a wonderful creature, their immortal, their power and sometimes make me want them to really exist :)
