
Sunday, July 07, 2013

40 for 40 with Kate Walker

If you've visited my blog lately you'll see that I'm  running a special celebration.   If you haven't visited in a while, then you might like to get over there and join in the fun - there's a cyber party  going on, a lot of guests, and a lot of giveaways.

So what am I celebrating? Well the clue is in the title of this blog - I have 40 guests helping me  and my DH Steve (aka the Babe Magnet) celebrate a very special wedding anniversary.  Our 40th.

 (Yes, I really was a child bride – I can’t possibly be old enough to have a wedding anniversary with a Ruby in it! ) Well, yes, I admit it, we will have been married for 40 years on July 14th (and all the jokes about the storming of the Bastille were done at our wedding back then.)

Anyway  - I thought it was  something worth celebrating and I’m running a  cyber party on my blog.  So I'm asking friends – hopefully 40 of them! -  if they'll contribute a small blog post – maybe a giveaway if they want.

So that's the public celebration - but people keep asking me if we are going to have special anniversary presents. And of course, because this is our 'Ruby Wedding'  - they want to know if I'm going to be showered in rubies!

Er - well, the problem is that I'm not very fond of rubies.  We've looked at jewellery  but I haven't seen anything (rubies or not) that I like specially.  And the Babe Magnet isn't a jewellery wearing  sort of man.  So finding a special gift is really quite a task.

And a party? Apart from the one on my blog – are we going to hold a big party to celebrate? Well, we thought about it but  getting everyone together in the summer – in July when we are both really busy with the RNA conference and Writers’  Holiday at Caerleon  as going to be tricky. Besides, one big celebration and it would all be over.  So instead we’ve made a list – 40 lovely things that we both want to do , some big, some small, m– and we’ve spread that out over some months so that we have something to look forward to and enjoy through this special year.  Last week we had a weekend away in a lovely Yorkshire town. We have two  great theatre trips booked  . . . . I’m really looking forward to it.

But this made me think about writing   romance – and about my heroes and heroines. If they got to their wedding anniversary, what would they give each other as gifts? I know red roses, jewellery, gold . .. that sort of thing is traditional, but are they really special, really personal to the one they love?  What would make a gift really special? 

I had a look at some of the sites about wedding anniversary gifts and found these  sorts of ideas -

Anniversary   Traditional   Modern

    1st  Paper  Clocks, Plastic, Gold Jewellery

  2nd  Cotton  China, Cotton, Calico, Garnet

  3rd  Leather  Crystal, Glass, Pearls

  4th  Fruit, Flowers  Appliances, Linen, Silk, Nylon, Blue Topaz

 5th  Wood  Silverware, Sapphire

 6th  Sugar, Iron  Wood, Candy, Amethyst

  7th  Wool, Copper  Brass, Desk Sets, Onyx

 8th  Bronze, Pottery     Appliances, Linens, Lace, Tourmaline Jewellery

 9th  Pottery, Willow  Leather, Lapis Jewellery

 10th  Tin, Aluminum  Diamond Jewelry   

  11th  Steel  Fashion, Turquoise Jewellery

 12th  Silk, Linen  Pearls, Jade

 13th  Lace  Textiles, Furs, Citrine

 14th  Ivory  Gold Jewellery, Opal

 15th  Crystal  Glass, Watches, Ruby

 16th     Silver hollowware, Peridot

 17th     Furniture, Watch

18th     Porcelain, Cat's Eye Jewelry

  19th     Bronze, Aquamarine

20th  China  Platinum, Emerald

  21st     Brass, Nickel

  22nd     Copper

23rd     Silver plate

24th     Musical instruments

  25th  Silver  Sterling silver

There are more – right up to the 75th wedding anniversary. 
So what do you think? What sort of really special gift could a hero give to a heroine – or vice versa? Would you like to see him /her stick to tradition or come up with something totally new?

I have a giveaway today  - a signed copy of my latest book A Throne for The Taking (or some other book from my backlist if you’ve already read that one) for the commenter who gives me a the most romantic idea. And you never know I might use it in a book sometime.
Kate’s latest hero is Alexei Sarova, that black sheep prince who has to face up to a new and unexpected destiny with his heroine Honoria Escalona (Ria) as the woman he wants as his queen.

A kingdom's safety...
Betrayed by those she loves, Honoria Escalona must now face the only man capable of bringing stability to the Mediterranean kingdom of Mecjoria. A cold, hard man who once called her his friend... Alexei Sarova-the true King of Mecjoria.
In exchange for her happiness
But Alexei's tortuous past has changed him into someone she hardly knows. He blames Ria's family
A Throne For the Taking will be published in the Royal and Ruthless miniseries in both Harlequin Presents and Mills & Boon Modern in June.
Other up to date news and details of all Kate’s books can be found on her web site and in her blog.
And my winner is DI  - Di please email me kate AT kate-walker dot com (or through the link on my web pages  giving me your postal address so that I can get the book  in the mail to you.



  1. I think it’s a given that you must go with a red theme. Invite friends via invitations with red on them. Serve heavy hors d’oeuvres on red plastic plates with red or white napkins for a contrast. (Don’t forget the solid red Christmas things stored away.) Your foods should include lots of red. Little weenies or strawberries and, of course, some nice ruby red wine. Get a cake made with white frosting trimmed in red. Ask the baker to draw a red ruby in the center and something with 40 years on it. Now, take it from there and have a wonderful anniversary. My husband and I will celebrate out 47th anniversary in December! Cheers!

    Connie Fischer

    1. Hi Connie - what a great range of ideas - and yes the red theme would work so well. Thank you so much for your anniversary wishes. I send the same back to you to you and your husband for December. I hope you have a truly special day

  2. When we married 52 years ago, we were only
    able to afford a weekend wedding trip. In
    1998, I won a trip to Venice which I turned
    into a second honeymoon for us and it was
    glorious! A romantic trip for two would be
    my suggestion. BTW, I have read A Throne
    For The Taking and I loved it!

    Pat C.

    1. Pat - your 52 years is such a wonderful achievement - here's to many more years together. I know what you mean about only being able to afford a small honeymoon trip - we just had a week in a Yorkshire cottage. But I'm sure yours was as special as ours was. How wonderful that you won that trip to Venice as a second honeymoon. My DH and I have planned a few trips rather than one big expensive holiday - a week in Ireland will probably be the place we both want to go.

      And thank you for saying you read Throne - I'm so happy that you enjoyed it as I always want to keep my readers happy.

  3. I do think that traditions are important.

    Instead of red roses, say one for each year of marriage, he could gift her red rose bushes. A lasting - blooming - celebration of their love. Here's hoping they would not be thorny, the roses and the years of marriage.

    1. Traditions are something that makes a special day special, aren't they Mary? I'll let you into a secret - my DH and I are planting a special red rose bush to mark our special day. And I'm giving a friend a golden rose bush when she celebrates her Golden Wedding soon. It's a lovely and hopefully lasting way of marking a special day.

  4. Alas, I don't have a chance for this prize, as I don't have a romantic answer, but I'll answer anyway, LOL!
    Every couple's wants/needs are different. If a couple, let's say, play tennis together, perhaps they could schedule a trip to Wimbledon. If she's a baker (and, of COURSE, he loves her baking), perhaps a new "baking island" could be "broken in" by them both, LOL. If they love wine, they could go on a wine tour, complete with bed and breakfasts (and a driver!).
    When my husband and I wed (32 years ago this Thursday), we stayed in a Holiday Inn that soon became a Ramada Inn. For our first anniversary, we stayed in a Ramada an hour away (Saturday morning till Sunday night). For our second, it was a Ramada two hours away. When we realized there was a "theme" to it, we kept staying at Ramadas (with family babysitting for us in our air-conditioned home every summer) for every anniversary (until we couldn't afford it anymore, about ten years later). I still write Happy Anniversary with soap on our bathroom mirror for him, and now, if my adult daughter gets up before we do to go to work, SHE will write on the bathroom mirror instead (for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or whatever); I hope she continues that "tradition" with her future husband/boyfriend/whatever too. (My husband brings me fresh flowers.)

    1. Laney - I think you've said a really romantic thing - that every couple's needs/likes are different so the really romantic thoughts are to give the other partner what they would most enjoy even if it's not what you like! What a lovely personal tradition you have in your family, writing a message on your bathroom mirror - it's little touches like that that make things special.

      Happy Anniversary to you and your husband for Thursday. I hope you have a lovely day and many more years together.

  5. I think the traditional gifts can be great as long as they fit the individual. Since the traditional list was created many years ago they son't include some modern options that can be very romantic like the following:
    - couples massage
    - home cooked sinner (especially by the guy)
    - balloon ride
    - weekend to a spa
    - quick trip to Vegas to see a favorite entertainer
    people just have to be creative with something their loved one loves!

    1. Hello Di - as you'll see in my reply to Laney I agree with you - the most romantic gift is one that fits the individual. Often people rely on the tried and tests, the traditional gifts when a little extra thought and creativity will make a very special gift or create some wonderful memories.
      ~I have to admit that I've been laughing at your typo - a "home cooked sinner"!!

  6. My apologies! I'm late answering you all -a migraine flattened me and I'm trying to catch up. Now I'll get Charlie to pick a winner Back soon!

  7. And the winner is DI!

    Di can you please email me kate AT and send me your postal address so that I can get your book in the mail to you.
