
Monday, May 13, 2013

May-December Friendships

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  I saw, or heard from, all of my kids.  And as always, I marveled that I am so lucky to have these four amazing people in my life!  Oh, it's not that they don't drive me a bit crazy on occasion, but they are some of my very favorite people on earth (along with my husband).  Being a mother has been one of my most treasured jobs.

Yesterday I wrote a blog for Mother's Day about my grandmother and a very special teapot.  She was a strong woman, a 'feisty' woman who loved so fiercely.  Add to that my own mother and my mother-in-law, two women who taught me so much...well, I think that's why the idea of family is the the focus of so many of my stories.  It's because I've been blessed to be surrounded by a family I not only adore, but truly like!

You Are Invited...
This month, the second book in my A Valley Ridge Wedding trilogy, April Showers, was released.  The first book, You Are Invited..., dealt with a woman who inherits three children. This second book  in addition to the romance between Lily and Sebastian focuses on a May-December friendship between  Lily, and the hero's grandfather, Hank.
April Showers

There's something special about May-December friendships.  The generations who came before us offer so much wisdom, so many insights.  I've been lucky to have people like Hank in my life!

Yesterday was a day for family.  It was great to have my children celebrate Mother's Day with me yesterday.  It was nice to be able to honor a women who helped shape me in my blog, and to go visit my mom.  I also took time to remember all the people who helped shape the woman I've become.  My grandmother's best friend, Jean, who's read all my books and supported me in so many ways.  Marge, an older friend who helped me shape Lily and Hank's May/December friendship.  And Papa John, a man who wasn't related to me, but was my grandfather in every way that counts.
A Walk Down the Aisle

Do you have older people in your life, related or not, who helped shape the person you've become?



  1. Lovely post Holly. Love the idea in your book of the May/December friendship. I notice a lot of younger people seem at a loss for words around older people and they are sure missing out. Not just on wonderful stories, but so much history, humor, and life lessons.

    I have several older people in my life who have also helped shaped me and I can't imagine not knowing them.

    Thanks for making me take a moment and think of them and good luck with your books...I always enjoy your books.

  2. Christine, Thanks! I was my grandmother's primary caregiver through the last years of her life. It was hard, but I don't regret a moment of it. My kids considered her nursing home a second home. Since she's passed, we've 'adopted' a neighbor who has no family. We visit the nursing home weekly and it's great to see my kids learned to honor our older citizens with my grandmother. They all make it a point to visit her.

    We laugh when she tries to tell people what our relationship is. Neighbors doesn't quite fit anymore. Friends is apt. But we've settled on family. I frequently joke with staff that I'm like a fungus...she can't get rid of me. She always laughs and assures me I'm a very nice fungus! LOL

    Anyway, thanks!


  3. Though she died when I was still about 6 years old, my grandmother made a huge impact in my life. I remember her as a very generous and understand woman. I think I got it from her. :)

  4. I'd have to go with all the relatives in
    the generation before mine: parents, aunts,
    uncles, and also teachers, especially Mrs.
    Forcheimer. She taught all nine of us in
    Adele Looscan Elementary School.

    Pat C.

  5. We always seemed to live far away from all of the relatives, so saw them only on occasion. My parents were the ones who had the biggest impact upon my life.

  6. Lory, What a lovely gift she left you! That's the sort of legacy anyone would long for.

    Even though it's been a long time, I'm still sorry for your loss.


  7. Pat,

    Oh, what a lovely remembrance! I'm sure Mrs. Forcheimer would be touched. Have you ever sent her a letter telling her how much she meant to you? I'm sure she'd love to hear it!


  8. Mary,

    That's hard to be so far away from your extended family! But it sounds as if you were very lucky in your parents!

