
Friday, May 03, 2013

Amanda Forester: Mischief and Weddings

What is your most memorable wedding moment?  I am thrilled to announce my new release, A Wedding in Springtime, which coincidentally has to do with a wedding that, you guessed it, happens in springtime.  I know, crazy right?  I am super excited because this is the beginning of my new Marriage Mart series of Regency romances.  I don't want to give too much away, but you can probably guess they all have a wedding.

Weddings are notorious for bringing out the best and worst of humanity.  I've been to a lot of weddings and I think I've seen it all.  Beautiful touching moments that make you want to cry.  Cringe-worthy moments that again, make you want to cry.  I mean who doesn't have an Uncle Harry who got so plastered he threw up on the wedding cake.  I'm not alone in that - right?

My most memorable wedding was my own (of course) but this happened before the wedding even began.  The night before the wedding there was a horrible storm, and my roommate's tabby cat, who hates rain with a passion, didn't come home.  The next morning, still no cat.  So I'm stressed because the cat is missing and since it is my wedding day, times that by a billion.

So my future hubby comes over to help us search (never mind the whole not see the bride before the wedding thing).  No cat.  He drives around looking to see if she was hit by a car.  No cat.  I ask the neighbors.  No cat.  He even goes to the local shelter.  Still, no cat.

At this point my bridesmaids start arriving.  We were all going to have lunch together and then get ready at my house before going to the church.  We sit around the table (it's a split level so we are on the second floor) and my mom says grace.  In that moment of quiet we hear a plaintive Meeeoooow.

As soon as mom says "amen" we all jump up, looking for the darn cat.  Finally, we see her.   She is in a tree about 50 feet up, looking very wet and miserable.  What to do?  Someone actually calls the fire department and are told that no, they don't do that anymore.  Through our upper story window we can see the cat and she can see us.  She starts out on a branch toward us, the branch wiggles, she comes further, the branch shakes, we shout at her to go back down the trunk.  The branch breaks.

And that is apparently how you get a cat out of a tree on your wedding day.  I'm not sure how many of her nine lives she used up that day but she survived the fall and lived another 15 years.  With us.  Because my roommate gave her to my husband as a wedding gift!

So what is your most memorable wedding moment?  Comment for a chance to win A Wedding in Springtime ARC before it comes out next week!!!

A Wedding in Springtime - named one of the Best Books for Summer by Publisher's Weekly!
Five minutes into Miss Eugenia Talbot's presentation at court, notorious rogue Mr. William Grant makes her laugh before the queen, ruining her debut. To hush up the scandal, Genie needs to make a brilliant marriage, and fast.  Genie's aunt hires a matchmaker to find a suitor—anyone except the infamous William Grant—but amiable Genie shows a disturbing tendency to follow her heart.  When a traitor creeps closer, threatening to ruin more than just her reputation, Genie and Grant are drawn into a dangerous world of deceit and intrigue, where losing their hearts could mean their ultimate undoing. 

***Amanda's winner is Linda Henderson!  Linda, please email with your mailing address!***


  1. My grandmothers friend married her man of 20 years. After so long, never did she think to become a bride. The wedding was nice and the part I remember most is the story of when he asked for her hand. They where at the beach, he got down on his knee & she said : how on earth will I tell people of this special moment, you are red as a lobster and wearing a speedo. Everybody laughed and it set the tone for dinner. Great moment!

  2. On our wedding day, we found out too late
    that there would not be an organist avail-
    able! We walked down the aisle in silence
    and the wedding proceeded as planned.
    That was 52 years ago!

    Pat C.

  3. My favorite moment at any wedding is when they start to play the Wedding March and the bride comes down the aisle. It never fails to give me chills all over. The highly anticipated moment has finally arrived! How exciting for everyone. Getting ready to attend my granddaughter’s wedding in June and we are so excited! Cannot wait.

    Cannot wait to read “A Wedding In Sprngtime” as well! I love the plot and just looking at the cover makes me sigh. I’m simply a hopeless romantic. :-)

    Congratulations on your new novel, Amanda, and all the best!

  4. 30 plus years ago, back in the day of cake & punch in the church basement/hall.... I had 'cake duty' for a best girlfriend. Yes, I was standing there descreetly keeping the 2nd tier from sliding off the stand, when they finally descended from the post wedding photography. I was relieved they finallly came downstairs to do the whole cake cutting thing... I had been standing there with visions of half of it on the floor.....

  5. I haven't marriage yet.

    Congrts on the new release :)

  6. What a beautiful story Amanda! I love the cover and regency romances. My fave wedding moment would have to be when I was my best friends bridesmaid and she started welling up when the priest was saying what he says and I went over and put my hand on her shoulder, she had the strength to carry on and say her vows. It was a beautiful moment.

  7. Congrats Amanda on the new release! Thanks for the fun post! Well... the one and only tine I've been a bridesmaid, everything that could go wrong, did... literally. The most memorable was the centerpieces. The bride wanted something unique and fun that people could take home, so she found some stylish fishbowls and filled them w/ fun rocks and 2 goldfish. Well, the wedding planner thought they were too plain on the table so so put votive candles around them. By the end of the night, all of the goldfish were dead b/c they had been slowly boiled!

  8. I am not married by my favorite wedding memory was of my grandparents renewing their wedding vows for their 50th anniversary. Even after all those years, raising 11 children, having dozens of grandchildren and many great-grand children, they were so much in love. They remained that way until my grandfather passed away years later and my grandmother (and the rest of us) still miss him greatly :)

  9. Oh my word, these are some great stories. Poor goldfish! I'm glad I'm not alone in having some great (and otherwise) wedding stories. Thanks for sharing!

  10. It was when my older sister married. She had almost resigned herself to never having a husband or children. I was so happy for her. Now she has it all.

  11. My most memorable wedding moment was a wedding I attended where the groom fainted at the alter because he was so nervous. He was okay though and the wedding continued. :D

  12. My best friends weeding would be my most memorable wedding. Mainly because, it was so different since it was held at 6 A.M. in the morning. I was supposed to tie the cord to them but I was late because I live 2 hours away. I turned into their official photographer. :)

  13. My most memorable moment would be when my ex promised to be a loving and hateful husband instead of loving and faithful. I often said he lived up to the first.

  14. Anonymous5:43 AM

    My most memorable wedding has to be when I got married a second time to a wonderful man, we have been married now 27 years this month! Thank you for offering your beautiful book!

  15. The man who sang AVA MARIA during our wedding ceremony brought tears to people's eyes! YES! It was that beautiful!

    My B-I-L put HE-LP on the bottom of my husband's shoes. Laughter did twitter through the church when we first knelt down.

    My husband's cousin arrived at 1am. I ended up loading the presents in the car by myself.

    My nephew was married last May 27th. It was the shortest wedding I have ever attended. The bridal party walked in, a poem was said, the vows exchanged and out they went. I felt cheated.
