
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Erica Hayes: The Voice of 'Hell Yeah!'

Thanks for inviting me back to Tote Bags 'n' Blogs. It's always lovely to come here!

Last time I posted, I spoke about the Voice of Doubt. You know, that person inside your head who tells you no. Who scares you away from chasing your dreams, because it's hard or risky or you might offend someone!

Well, today I'd like to talk about the Voice of Hell Yeah! Usually not an inner voice, mind you. I'm kind of my own worst motivational enemy. No, this voice often pops up in the shape of other people. The ones who encourage me, support me, tell me, yes, you can do it!

My husband is one. Actually, he's more like the Voice of I Told You So. He has so much faith in me it's ridiculous. He's Mr. Confused when I express surprise that something went well. "Well, of course you succeeded!" he'll say, looking at me like I've got three heads. "What else did you think would happen?"

My writing critique partners, too. They know me well enough not to butter me up – if my story has a problem, they'll say so, or it'll be DOOM for them, bwahaha! – but they are embarrassingly confident of my success. And they're always available for a quick 'you're awesome' when I need it. I hope I do the same for them. It's important to have an honest cheer squad.

Supportive characters are fun to write, too! As romance authors, we're all about putting our heroes and heroines through the wringer. So the least we can do is give them a best buddy, who can talk them down from the edge when the going gets unbearable.

I think that's one reason why the 'band of brothers' is such a popular trope in romance series, like my Seven Signs books. It gives our tough, gorgeous heroes someone to just hang out with. Japheth, my fallen angel hero in Redemption, has a 'best friend' in his fellow angel warrior Dashiel. Dash cheers him up when he's down, makes fun of him when he's taking himself too seriously, and – most importantly – calls him on his self-denial. Because, y'know. Japheth's a frosty fallen angel warrior with a fiery heart, who's trying to be sinless. He's positively drowning in self-denial.

Lastly, but by no means least: some of my best Voices of Hell Yeah! are readers. You guys are great. Many times I've received an impromptu cyberhug from someone who messaged me to say 'loved your book!' – and it always seems to happen right when I need it most.

These are priceless moments. We should treasure them, wrap them carefully, store them away to remember on those days when it all seems too hard.

Thanks for having me on Tote Bags 'n' Blogs! I'm giving away a paperback copy of Redemption. You can check it out on my website, and read an excerpt:

For a chance to win, leave a comment here and tell me: Who are the people in your life who encourage and support you?

Erica Hayes was a law student, an air force officer, an editorial assistant and a musician, before finally landing her dream job: fantasy and romance writer.
She writes dark paranormal and urban fantasy romance, and her books feature tough, smart heroines and colourful heroes with dark secrets. She hails from Australia, where she drifts from city to city, leaving a trail of chaos behind her. Currently, she's terrorizing the wilds of Northumberland.

***Erica's winner is Pat Cochran!  Please email with your mailing details.***


  1. This is where family comes in. I'm blessed with a massive network of immediate family.

  2. My family support me in whatever I do. Having a supportive family these days is very helpful and I am glad i have them.

  3. My husband and my best friend are my biggest supporters!! Thanks for the chance to win.

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  4. Thanks for visiting, ladies :) lovely to meet you! It's great to have a supportive family. They're the ones who are always there no matter what.

  5. My husband of 35 years is always there for me whether it's emotional or physical support.

    I've been blessed with 4 wonderful children who are always encouraging me to try new things and call me when I'm feeling down.

    My sister, Kaye, is 2 years older and wiser. I can call her too when I'm feeling down.

    My next door neighbor Sharon, we share everything. My other supportive neighbor passed away 2 years ago.

    My M-I-L was also a great help over the years emotionally. Unfortunately she died 6 years ago. However, I think about her often and handle things the way she taught me.

    My boss at work, Maribel, praises me and helps me learn.

  6. I'm supported by my husband Ken, in fact,
    we support each other. We do everything
    together and will soon celebrate 52 years
    of marriage! We both are further supported
    by our children, grandchildren, and our sibs
    plus their families.

    Pat C.
