
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Amanda Bonilla: The Cartoon Learning Curve

Thanks so much to Tote Bags ‘n Blogs for having me as a guest today!

My sixteen year-old never ceases to amaze me. He’s one of those kids who, when he puts his mind to something, he does it. When he was around five years old, I dubbed his can-do attitude, The Cartoon Learning Curve. Do you remember the Looney Tunes cartoons with the roadrunner and coyote? He’d take off, full tilt after that damned bird (who, for the record, I find infuriating) and end up running right off the edge of a cliff. And he’d just keep going until he looked down and realized that he wasn’t on solid ground anymore. This was inevitably followed up with an epic fall for thousands of feet, and a lovely mushroom cloud of dust. Poor Coyote. If he hadn’t looked down, he might have just kept on running until he reached the other side of the canyon, thereby saving himself a nasty fall.

Anyway, I digress. Back to the teen… When he was five years old, we took him to a local hot springs. The pool started off around three feet deep and was somewhere around 15 feet at the deep end. He’d wade around in the shallow water, watching as his sister swam off toward the deeper water. “Mom, do you think I could swim?” he asked. “I don’t know, kiddo,” I answered. What do you think?” He thought it over for a bit and said, “Well, I’ve never tried before.” He took a deep breath, dove under the water and swam off. No joke. He didn’t once entertain the idea that he couldn’t swim, therefore, it wasn’t an option. He swam all over the pool that night without a single lesson. The kid can swim like a fish.

See? Cartoon Learning Curve. He didn’t look down, so he didn’t realize there was no longer solid ground beneath his feet. Over the years, he’s taught himself to ride a bike, ice skate, break dance, and play piano. He also dabbles in parkour and I’ve cringed a few times as I’ve watched him run up walls or perch on top of our shed. No doubt. No fear.

Whereas the teen possesses a very dangerous sense of confidence that, honestly, makes me wonder how we’ve avoided the emergency room all of these years, doubt is an essential element in any story arc. Doubt is a very powerful thing. It causes us to hesitate, to look down, to falter for that one pivotal moment. Doubt is the story element that pushes our heroes and heroines toward a bad decision. It’s what shakes up the story line, throws a monkey wrench into well-thought out plans, and disrupts the course of a blooming romance. Without doubt, there’d be no obstacles to overcome, no trust to be gained, and no happy ending to be achieved.

 This overconfidence, while dangerous, is a quality we look for in not just a hero and heroine, but in a protagonist or villain as well. The bad guy is always overconfident. He has no doubt that his nefarious plans will come to fruition, and so he runs right of the edge of that cliff with no thought to the laws of gravity. The villain’s utter conviction is what propels the story, keeps the conflict going at a steady pace, and engages the hero to become that monkey wrench that causes the villain to look down and find himself standing on thin air.
I often wonder what the world would be like if we all used the Cartoon Learning Curve. What if we went into every situation with the absolute belief that we’d be successful simply because there was no other option? I’d like to think that we’d all run on thin air, across the canyon, to the other side.

What do you think? Do you like overconfidence in a hero or heroine, or do you like for them to doubt? What about your villains? Do you enjoy watching them run off the edge of the cliff without ever doubting they’ll make it to the other side? Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Crave the Darkness (USA & Canada residents only!).

***Amanda's winner is Barbara E!  Please email with your mailing details!***


  1. To me, doubt is an important part
    of the conflict which is at the
    heart of most stories. Whether
    hero/heroine or villian, doubt
    and conflict fuel the fire!

    Pat C.

  2. LOL... I like that! I need to start applying the cartoon learning curve to my own life ;) Eh... it's a fine line... too much confidence and they're cocky and overbearing (villain and hero)... to little and they are a mousy mary sue... So I trust my authors to find the right balance for their story. Not entering cuz I already have this book :) Actually reading it right now! Love, love, love this series (even though I'm *not* happy with Tyler right now!)

  3. Well, I think overconfidence with no doubt that they'll succeed in spite of obstacles would be enjoyable as the other person is astounded by their success, despite their doubt. So I guess both at once is what I'm looking for. As for villains, yes, they need confidence, there can be no doubt about what they're wanting to accomplish and their belief that they'll succeed. To me that makes a good villain.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I actually do like overconfidence in a hero or heroine. It probably has something to do with it's how I'd be if I was that character:) It's weird because I find that character's like Darian are more appealing because there are ways to humble them from being overconfident. I like strength, capability, and confidence in my heroes and heroines. As for villains... yes most definitely I like watching them run off the edge of the cliff without ever doubting they’ll make it to the other side because when they do fall the surprise is priceless.

  5. It depends. I like overconfidence in certain aspects of a hero, like he knows what he wants, knows how to get it and knows that he won't fail. But I also like seeing an overconfident egotistical hero eat a little crow and have to come down a peg or two.
