
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Happy New Year...or rather, mid-January!

I know that we're almost two weeks into the new year, but I thought I'd talk about my resolution here anyway.  Well, not really a resolution.  Once upon a time, I had those, like most other people.  And like most people, I'd broken them before I reached this part of January.  I tried to purposefully pick resolutions I knew I could keep.  One year, I decided I would do a shot of tequila.  I like margaritas, and had never done a shot.  So, with Mr. Burhenn's help (he taught me how to do it one handed--hold the shotglass, lemon wedge between pointer finger and thumb, salt on the knuckle of your thumb.  Yep, one fluid motion.) I wrapped that up before January was over.  Yep, I was a winner!

Still, those easy resolutions didn't seem to really improve me.  I mean, yeah, I can handle a shot (although I'd rather sip a wine or beer, personally), but I don't know that it makes me a better person.

So, a few years back, I decided rather than any kind of resolution, I'd try for a word. One word to build my year around.

I've found this really works for me.  I've used words like Optimism, Moment, Awareness, Change...

As the new year approached, I gave some thought to what I wanted to improve on this year.  And I came to a decision.

Drum roll please...

I went with the word STOP.  

I'm going to use the word as a  reminder to myself to stop and find the glee every day.  To stop and take a breath.  To stop and look for those moments of wonder.  

There's always so much going on here.  I try and balance my large family's needs and my writing.  I try to be there for people who need me.  As a pseudo-science geek, I can't help but think that an object in motion tends to stay in motion...unless some outside force acts on it.  Well, I want to be my outside force.  I want to stop the motion and simply appreciate...well, everything!

I know that we're almost two weeks into the new year, but finding new ways to improve yourself doesn't come with some time limit.  So, maybe you made a resolution and this will serve as a reminder to keep going with it.  But if you didn't, maybe you'll find your own word.  Some touchstone for the year.

This is going to be a crazy busy year for me.  I have four books coming out and two more short stories. I promised Lee that I'd come here and blog once a month, so you'll be hearing more about those.  But this first blog of the year, I didn't want to talk about my books...I wanted to simply wish you a great year, and share my word and the reasoning behind it.

 I hope you find your own resolution or word of the year.  And although it's mid-January, I hope you have a great year!  I hope you find your own moments to stop and appreciate what's going on in your life...that you stop and find glee...that you stop and take a breath...that you stop and find the wonder!  


EVERYTHING BUT A DOG, Montlake Romance 12/12
YOU ARE INVITED..., SuperRomance 4/13
APRIL SHOWERS, SuperRomance 5/13
A WALK DOWN THE AISLE, SuperRomance 6/13


  1. My resolution this year was to not touch another cigarette. I thought this would be easy because I don't smoke so not touching another cigarette would be a piece of cake for me to keep. I'm like everyone else. I tend to make a resolution and break it somewhere between the first and second weeks of January. I needed to pick one that I could stick to and would have no problem keeping :)

  2. Mariene, LOL I love that resolution! Yeah, if you don't smoke it would be an easy one to keep. And easy to keep is one of the reasons I like the word of the year. As long as I glance at the post-it on my desk, I remember and so it's a success!


  3. Good for you, Holly! I think everyone needs to slow down, STOP and smell the roses. The only resolution I'm making this year is to read even more and enjoy life even more than I already do! Happy New Year, Everyone!

  4. Connie, Those are both very good goals!! I wish you well with both...and a very happy new year!


  5. Thanks for the good idea, Holly! I no longer
    make resolutions, I establish goals, but only
    one or two, not a whole long list! That's
    more realistic for me!

    Pat C.

  6. Hi Holly ~ how lovely to "see" you here. I picked "Determination" as my word this year. I'm determined to lose some weight and do some long overdue organization.

  7. Pat, I think that being realistic makes such a difference! When I write, I don't ever say, I'm going to write 20 pages today. Odds are, that won't happen. I write seven pages a day. That's doable. I finish and feel like a winner. (Uh, not a Charlie Sheen sort of winner! LOL) If I write more, even better!

    Good luck with your goals this year!


  8. Kaelee, Hi!! I'm here the 13th each moth for the year.

    And that's a wonderful word! Good luck with both goals! I just cleaned out two closets. There's something nice about opening them and seeing a goal realized!

