
Monday, July 02, 2012

Tracy Kelleher: Travel and Family

I really like to remain at home in summer.  I truly do.  I look forward to my garden and barbeques in my backyard.  I love the feeling of heat warming my muscles and the chance to wear sundresses and sandals and have an excuse to get a pedicure.

But at the same time, summer always signals travel time for me.  When the kids were little, we’d take a family trip every summer, to national parks in the U.S. or European locales.  And since my husband is Australian and our kids are dual citizens, we always tried to slip in a trip to Australia when time and money allowed.

Well, now my children are grown up, but we still are a traveling family.  My husband and I are headed off to Portugal for a quick trip before we take our annual foray to Australia.  And because there are only two tickets to pay for, the trip Down Under is more affordable.  Besides, we get to leave the heat of North American summer for the cool weather of the Southern Hemisphere.  It doesn’t get that cold—more like autumn in the Northeast.  And there’s something cozy about sweater-and-jacket weather.

The heroine of my July Superromance, THE COMPANY YOU KEEP, is also a traveler.  For Mimi Lodge, going to the world's hotspots is just part of her job as a war correspondent.  But it’s also a symptom of her search for meaning.  Little does she know that true insights and happiness will come at a place she never considered particularly welcoming, just proving it’s the company you’re with that defines the essence of home.

I always love to hear from my readers.  Have a great summer and happy traveling!

Tracy Kelleher


  1. have a great summer and wonderful traveling Tracy :)

  2. This sounds really good thank you for posting it. I can't wait to read it.

  3. Enjoy your trip to Oz and the cooler
    weather. Our triple digit weather in
    Texas has me wishing I could hop into
    your case and share a vacation from
    the heat!!!

    Pat C.

  4. I used to travel a lot more, maybe I will again once I get a few more things together. But I still get to travel vicariously thru reading books.

  5. Hello from QLD Australia. On the days when the wind does NOT blow up from the Antarctic & the sun shines I don't even need a jumper. Today was glorious, yesterday not so much.
