
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Grey Hot - Opal Carew

Hi, everyone!  It’s a hot summer here in Ontario, Canada.  Hotter than usual.  I’m not complaining, though.  Since we have such long, cold winters in Ottawa, I’m happy to enjoy the heat as long as possible!  I’ve been in the pool almost every day since early June and that’s not true every year.

It’s a great time to stretch out in the sun and enjoy a hot summer read.  And by hot I mean steamy! 
Well, one of the hottest reads around right now is the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.   They’re still flying off the bookstore shelves!  Whether you loved the books or hated them, you have to admit that the trilogy is quite a phenomenon.

Publishers are scrambling to catch the attention of that new set of readers.  It makes sense.  The trilogy has captured the interest of a huge new potential audience and those readers are looking for something similar to read.  Publishers are trying to make it easier for them to find books along the same line.   For instance, St. Martin’s Press, has set up a webpage to show off their contenders.  They call it Fifty Shades Hotter.

This bid for attention is causing a new trend in book covers.  Grey covers are popping up everywhere.

The books are monochrome with the focus on an object, and often the title offers a subtle splash of colour, like on BEAUTIFUL DISASTER by Jamie McGuire.  On the cover of the first book of Sylvia Day’s new series, Crossfire, the yellow of the title is carried over to the cufflinks, too.  I love this cover!

Publishers are even repackaging some of their older books with snazzy grey covers.  For instance, my book BLUSH has a great new cover and will be popping up in bookstores soon.  Also, Lora Leigh’s WILD CARD.

My next two releases will also have grey covers.   A different cover was originally designed for Illicit (February 2013) and has been on Amazon and Barnes and Noble for months now.  The new cover isn’t public yet, but should be soon.

I like the simplicity and elegance of these covers and think it makes it easier for readers to identify some really hot (or should I say sizzling) reads.

What do you think of this trend?

Thanks for reading,

One lucky person who comments will win a free print copy of Opal’s book BLUSH.  (The new version of BLUSH won’t be available until mid-August, so the prize will be mailed then.)

***Opal's winner is Lagl23!!  Congratulations!  Please email with your full name and mailing info!!***


  1. I love the 'clean' look of these covers. They are easily identifiable too.

  2. It's a whole new trend and I actually really like it!

  3. I like simmple covers and I hope this is a trend that continues.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  4. Sorry looks like I'm in the minority but I love colorful covers that catch my eye. I also prefer people vs objects. I find the new covers boring and unattractive.

    I do think that yours is the best of the bunch. It's also the brightest!

    johns lake at usa dot com

  5. I've always liked black and white movies, and photos. They seem to capture something that color can't. In photos I think portraits shoe more character, and in movies the acting has to be top notch because not many have special effects.

    Oh, go with trend. :-)

  6. I love simple covers. They usually get me to pick up the book more often than loud or flashy covers do.

  7. thanks for a fun post and congrats on the upcoming release! I like the simple, more ambiguous covers. Definitely makes me pick it up and read the blurb. While I do love some of the Scifi/PNR covers, most of the "romance" covers are still pretty cheesy so I'm happy that this is the fad right now :)

  8. I'm old fashioned, I guess. I still like to see images of the H/h on the front. I like to be able to flip back to the cover and look at it when I'm reading. Thanks!

  9. I like the crisp, clean photographs that are being used on books, but my favorite are still the racier ones with models or certain scenic views.
    When I see the Fifty inspired covers it makes me think of that series and it does not make me rush to find out more about the books. Only if I already know the author will I investigate more about a book with a cover that is similar to the Fifty Shades books.

  10. Thank for commenting, everyone! So, most people like the clean design of the new covers, but there are a few who like covers with the hero and heroine, or give more of an indication of what the book is about.

    I'm torn. I like minimalist covers and crisp photographs and that's what I tend to with my self-published covers. My St. Martin's covers are also photographs and pretty clean lines in general. I love colour in all things, but I am finding I like the monochrome as a change of pace.

    As far as showing what the book is about, the cover for my February release has an envelope on the cover tied with a lovely light burgundy ribbon (small splash of colour). The envelope represents an invitation the heroine receives that draws her into an adventure. I really like that idea and I hope it will make people want to read the backjacket blurb.


  11. Laurie G, thanks for you kind words about the BLUSH cover. With the light grey, it does appear brighter! Thanks,

  12. Sorry to say this, but neither the subject matter
    or the cover style seem to be calling my name!

    Pat C.

  13. I am enjoying the Fifty Shades trilogy!

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  14. Can't wait to your new cover, Opal! Thanks for all the rec's too:) And you're right those covers are fantastic with their simplistic coloring and style. Those are the ones most likely to capture my attention. Personally I am happy with the way reading is trending nowadays... it has taken a pivotal turn in subject matter and allowed those that enjoy it to read with a bit more freedom in knowing they are not alone.

  15. I'm loving the look of these more subtler covers. It makes me want to pick up the book and see what it's about. I do like all sorts of covers though and want it to suit the story. Some stories even if it's the same genre may need another kind of vision. Congrats Opal on the Blush cover. It's really nice!


  16. Some of the covers are great and really visually interesting. I have always thought the 50 Shades covers looked like high school art projects. I think the Sylvia Day cover are great and your Blush cover is really creative. It would catch my eye if I was in a store browsing.

  17. i have not read all those books :(

  18. Love the cover for Blush. The gray trend is eye catching and maks you focus on one element. I like it.
    Carol L.
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  19. Love how crisp it is and easy to read.
    seytype at hotmail dot com
