
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Genre Blending

I didn’t do it on purpose. The first time I wrote a book for Kensington Brava, I thought I was just writing a paranormal romance. My hero was a wolf shifter, and my heroine was psychic. I really, truly thought the book was simply a paranormal tale…until Kensington editor Kate Duffy told me that the book was a paranormal suspense.

And then I realized the truth—I was a genre blender. Yes, I can now proudly admit to the fact that, when I write, I like to blend genres.  I like to include dark, dangerous elements of suspense in my stories. Sure, I can write about demons and vampires—and I can also write about serial killing demons.  It’s just the kind of girl that I am.

In my latest release from Kensington Brava (ANGEL BETRAYED, out on 6/26/12), I’m back to my genre blending. My  hero is a fallen angel of death, my heroine is—well, let’s say she isn’t exactly human, and they two of them are desperately battling for their lives. They’re being hunted. Stalked.  And if they want to survive, they have to show their stalkers just how dangerous they can truly be.

Paranormal…and romantic suspense.

A combination that I love.

I know there are lots of other genre blending stories out there. I often enjoy reading historical novels that have strong paranormal elements. Or sci-fi stories that include suspense.  Blend the genres, and you’ll make me one very happy girl. What can I say? Sometimes when you mix plot elements, you can have a whole lot of fun.

What genre blends do you enjoy reading? I’d love to hear your favorites!  One randomly selected commenter will win an autographed copy of my novel, ANGEL BETRAYED. I’ll leave the contest open until noon tomorrow, and then I’ll be back to post the winner’s name.

And here’s the blurb for the book that you could win:
Sammael–call him Sam–was an angel once. An angel of death. But the dispassionate, watch-from-above thing just wasn’t working for him when it meant watching evil torture innocent souls day in and day out. It might have cost him his wings, but these days he gets to apply the direct method on the bad guys. Problem is, what’s making his life difficult is a bad girl…

Seline O’Shaw needs protection, and with the hounds of hell on her tail, she’s not going to quibble too hard about where she gets it. Sam’s virtue is questionable, but he’s smoking hot, massively powerful, and owes her a favor. So what if she’s getting a little case of angel lust? There are some damn deadly sins after her hide…

Happy reading!
Cynthia Eden


  1. If you add Historical with another genre I'm very happy. I do like Romantic Suspense too. I find most books to be a blend of at least two genres, which is wonderful.

    1. Hi, Marybelle! I can't remember the last time I read a book that was just focused solely on one genre, and like you, I think that is just wonderful!

  2. I've always wanted to read a historical medical romance - probably set in one of the World Wars. Love the sound of your paranormal suspense!

    1. I'd love to read a story set during one of the World Wars (see, that's the ex-history teacher in my popping out!). And so glad you like the sound of my paranormal suspense. Thank you.

  3. I really love Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series and I would put it in „the blending of genders“ pot :)Historicals with paranormal twist are my next favourite thing.
    ANGEL BETRAYED sounds like one fun book :)

    1. Oh, I love that series, too! It is so good!

      And I'm happy that you think Angel Betrayed sounds fun! I had a great time writing that story. ;)

  4. Hi Cynthia,

    the blending book that i'd read was historical paranormalcy, and i love it. Love to read paranormal suspense :)

    1. I love those historical blends! I think Amanda Quick is a champion at those. ;)

  5. I love historical mysteries, especially those set in the 19th century. There are some really good series set in the Regency era. I've also read some historicals mixed with paranormal that are pretty good too. Genre mixing is a good thing!

    1. I agree, Karen! I love genre mixing!

  6. I like suspense/mystery and paranormal combined with almost any other genre. I'm a little tird of historical of any type though.

    1. So glad to hear you like the suspense/paranormal combination! That one is my favorite. ;)

  7. I like paranormal, urban fantasy, historical and contempory the most. I will read any romance though. :) Love the cover to your book.

    1. Thank you, Crystal! This cover (and my Angel in Chains cover) are my 2 favorite so far! I feel very cover lucky.

  8. I have slowly becoming a fan of romance and paranormal together. Now I am not into these shapshifter wolves and vampires, But I can get into the fallen angel aspect.. Looking forward to exploring your books..

    1. Thank you, Kathleen! I am all for some book exploration. ;)

  9. My love of romance means that I am happy to read it blended into pretty much any other genre.

    little lamb lst at yahoo dot com

    1. Lil, as long as I can get a good, happy ending, I'm usually a happy girl.

  10. thanks for a fun post and giveaway!

    I love pretty much any type of blended story :) I've recently been reading some HR with magic and I like how it's more modern magic ala Harry Potter instead of mystical if you know what I mean :)


    1. Definitely know what you mean, Erin! I really enjoy that, too!

  11. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I get a lot of books from the Kensington group. I love paranormal romance and mystery, blending only means that I get more enjoyment for my money.


    1. Oh, Nora, I like the way you think!

  12. I didn't think I would but I enjoy when authors blend paranormal and sci-fi. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Do you have any sci-fis that you want to recommend? I've been in a sci-fi mood lately!

  13. I'm a sucker for paranormal, suspense and romance. If there is a military aspect to it, all the better! Love our guys in uniform. Oh and women too. I'm a feminist, what can I say. I'm most drawn to strong, kickass heroines who can not only stand alongside her man kicking ass and taking names, but can even save her man's ass too. And if there's a paranormal element to it, I'm virtually drooling because we know punishment to the bad guys will be dished out with a little extra some-some. LOL. Lastly, can't forget the romance. That's why we read em, after all. The sexier and steamier, the better.

    Looking forward to Sam's book. I love Keenan, but Sam is just... *sigh*. It has to be his bad-boy, don't f*** with me attitude that has he hooked. Yummy!

    Love all your books! Will we get another "Bound" boom soon. Love the vampire/werewolf hookups.

    ~ Suzie

    1. LOL, thank you, Suzie!!! I am so happy to hear that you are looking forward to Sam's book. ;) I am thinking about doing another Bound story--if I release another, I want to make it a full-length story. Playing with story ideas now!! I love mixing the vamps and werewolves together!

    2. Sorry for the double post. Seems that hitting the back key to correct some typos didn't really work for me. :-/ oh well...

      Yay for a possible new Bound book and even better that it'll be full length. My favorite in the series is Bound in Sin. Paige is exactly like the type of heroine I described earlier...kickass, paranormal and even saved her man's ass! LOL

  14. I'm a sucker for paranormal, suspense and romance. If there is a military aspect to it, all the better! Love our guys in uniform. Oh and women too. I'm a feminist, what can I say. I'm most drawn to strong, kickass heroines who can not only stand alongside her man kicking ass and taking names, but can even save her man's ass too. And if there's a paranormal element to it, I'm virtually drooling because we know punishment to the bad guys will be dished out with a little extra some-some. LOL. Lastly, can't forget the romance. That's why we read em, after all. The sexier and steamier, the better.

    Looking forward to Sam's book. I love Keenan, but Sam is just... *sigh*. It has to be his bad-boy, don't f*** with me attitude that has me hooked. Yummy!

    Love all your books! Will we get another "Bound" book soon? Love the vampire/werewolf hookups.

    ~ Suzie

  15. I think I need a list of all the genre blends.
    I just look for romance - then I'm good.
    I'm also thinking that all the paranormals I've read have also had suspense.

    1. I think those suspense elements tend to sneak in a lot. I love that--I'm all for some suspense!

  16. I love paranormal romance....throw in another element like suspense or mystery...GREAT. Or along with the PNR...throw in a historical...or western and twist it up with a suspense...or time travel and I'm on board with that too! Just leave out the zombies...I don't care too much for them. Thx for the giveaway op! :)

    barbbattaglia @

    1. Thanks for entering the giveaway, Barbara! And now you have got me so wanting to read a western suspense--that sounds fun!

  17. Thanks so much for all of the great comments! I had a great time chatting!

  18. I'm so late, but I did want to stop in to say
    "Hi" and tell you that Angel Betrayed sounds
    most interesting! Sam, Seline, and your
    genre blending are now on my TBR list!

    Pat Cochran

  19. I think my favorite is historical with paranormal. They feel like they go together well in my opinion.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  20. My fav is paranormal romance. Gotta love the macho heroes! I into urban fantasy right now too. Pretty exciting stuff!
