
Monday, March 05, 2012

The Djinn in the Elder Races Universe

The Djinn in the Elder Races universe are creatures of air and fire, and almost unimaginable Power.  Born at the beginning of the world, they have no corporeal bodies; instead they can assume whatever physical form they choose and discard it afterward, rather like wearing a set of clothes.  Some Djinn are not gender-specific and they might assume either a male or a female body, according to their mood.  Other Djinn identify much more closely with the masculine or the feminine, and those invariably appear as purely one or the other.

The Djinn are actually part of the Demonkind demesne, which is comprised of several races, and the Djinn social structure is made up of five Houses—the Shaytan, the Gul, the Ifrit, the Jann, and the most Powerful of them all, the House Marid.  The Houses are based on relationships, much like humans conceived of clans or extended family groups.  Large decisions that affect an entire House are made through consensus, with the older, more Powerful Djinn having the final say.  The elders (either first generation Djinn who were born at the beginning of the world, or the second generation Djinn) are assigned honorifics:  the males are called Princes of their House and the females are called excellencies.

As a rule, the Djinn do not value physical things, but they prize invisible, intangible things quite highly, such as relationships, information, and keeping one’s word or maintaining one’s honor, and they trade in favors.  Since their currency of choice is itself intangible, bargains are sacred, and if a Djinn reneges on a bargain, he/she is found to be without honor and cast out of their House.  Then that Djinn becomes a pariah, and pariahs are very dangerous creatures.

One can summon a Djinn if he or she is beholden to one, owes a debt or has struck a bargain.  That Djinn must have a compelling reason to put off the summoner’s request, such as a personal emergency or if they are acting to fulfill a prior obligation.  An almost universal characteristic of the Djinn is a rampant curiosity.  They love ferreting out information, and locked doors merely whet their appetite for knowledge.

They are not known as forgiving creatures, nor do they feel obliged to point out whenever one may be bargaining in a foolish manner.  Many human legends tell of Djinns’ malicious or mischievous behavior toward anyone who is foolish enough to make a bargain with them and then break it.

The hero of Oracle’s Moon, Khalil, is a Prince of the House Marid, a second generation Djinn.  He has given his word to look after the human children, Chloe and Max, who are the Oracle Grace’s niece and nephew, and he intends to fulfill that obligation he has made whether Grace likes it or not.  This is how Oracle’s Moon begins.



  1. This sounds like a great book, I haven't read it yet but it's on my "to buy" list.

  2. I have read Dragon Bound and I just received Storm's Heart from the library yesterday. I loved Dragon Bound and can't wait to finish up the book I'm on right now so that I can get to Storm's Heart. I love this series!

  3. I should receive my copy of Oracle Moon tomorrow. I have set aside Wednesday as my reading day so that I can read it uninterrupted..LOL
    I am so enjoying this series Thea. May you have many more stories to tell us.

  4. I love this series. Can't wait for my copy to arrive. I love how you stay focused on the main characters. As much as I'd like to know what's going on with the past main characters, it would take away from the current couple. Thank you.

  5. Thanks, Thea, for the insight into Kahlil and the Djinn social structure. Is this a creation of your imagination or is there mythos/legend behind it? Can't wait to meet more of his kind, as well as others of the Elder races in the future.

  6. Hi everybody! Lee, thanks so much for having me on your blog today!

    I based the Djinn in the Elder Races universe strongly on Middle Eastern lore. The five houses of the Djinn are actually based on the five types of Djinn found in Islamic teachings. My Djinn, like all my other mythical creatures, don't strictly adhere to the legends in our Earth but they do have their roots in our (real) lore.

    Thanks so much for your kind words everybody, and your interest in Oracle's Moon and the Elder Races series! Wishing you many hours of happy reading,

  7. I haven't read about this world yet, but it sounds very different. I'll have to look into it & seeing about starting at the beginning of the series.

  8. I have decided I really want to know more about the Djinn. Fascinating!!

  9. wow... this book sound great ;)

  10. I have little knowledge of this world and it's
    inhabitants, so I thank you for helping me by
    furthering my understanding of them. I will add
    your book to my TBR list.

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  11. cant wait to get this book!!

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