
Friday, August 26, 2011

Secret addictions - Sarah Morgan

Hi, my name is Sarah and I’m addicted to notebooks. Every time a pretty notebook catches my eye I’m consumed by such a powerful craving that I stand there salivating, convincing myself that with such a beautiful, shiny new and EMPTY notebook in my possession, I cannot fail to write something amazing.

I gaily hand over the money, telling myself that it is an investment in my creative process because this is how I work. Yes, I use my laptop to write the book, but there is no doubt that ideas come faster when I’m scribbling in a notebook. I take it everywhere with me. If it’s especially pretty I have been known to whip it out of my bag just to give it a stroke (I am a founder member of the Notebook Appreciation Society ) and a small notebook can go to places that no laptop can ever go. I’ve written on the top of a mountain in a howling gale, on a sandy beach, on a roller coaster and in the dark in the movies (that made for interesting reading afterwards). I’ve even been known to leap from the shower to scribble in my notebook and once my husband even bought me a waterproof one (interesting concept, but not pretty enough for more than occasional use).

Polly, my heroine in my next release Doukakis’s Apprentice shares my appreciation for notebooks. Polly is extremely creative, but she has her own unique style and that style clashes violently with that of her new boss, ruthless Greek tycoon, Damon Doukakis. He is less than impressed by his new employee’s attachment to her fluffy pink pen and her notebook. In fact he takes it as yet another indication that she’s frivolous and shallow, but soon he’s forced to eat his words (and as this book is largely set in Paris, he’s probably eating them fried in garlic and washed down with a robust bottle of red wine).

So what is your secret addiction? What can’t you resist?

Sarah Morgan’s latest release for Harlequin Presents, Doukakis’s Apprentice, will be available from  from September 1st and in stores mid September.


  1. Hi Sarah!
    I'm a fan of notebooks, too! It saves me from having to piece together what I used to write on napkins, receipts, and envelopes! Now, if only there was always a pen handy...

  2. Sarah,

    I too have a mad love affair with notebooks...STACKS of them all over my house.

    But my real addiction is...pens. Pretty ones, thin ones, ugly ones with great tips. I love to watch the flow of ink as it streams out onto the page. Fine line, Sharpies, clicks and fountain pens. I love them all...

    My name is Maureen and I'm a pen addict.

  3. Oh I'm in such good company!

    Wendy, I'm a pen lover too so any time you need one, shout!

    Maureen, I should have known you were a notebook/pen lover. I knew there was something special about you the moment I elbowed my way into your taxi in New York :-D (or maybe it was just that you didn't push me out again)

  4. Huh. As I remember it, I sort of dragged you into that taxi!


  5. I adore that lovely notebook you gave me last year! Was just fondling it last night, in fact! *gg*

    I love office supplies: pens, notebooks, clippies, colored sticky pads, binders, etc. Love.

  6. I was so grateful that you dragged me Maureen!

    Lynn, I'm so glad you and the notebook are still together and happy :-D

  7. Hi Sarah
    Currently addicted to moleskin notebooks - thanks to an introduction by Fiona Harper at the RNA conference. Have a lovely red one right now, and a Star Wars special edition on pre-order at Amazon.
    Yes, I am really that sad!

  8. I think we should form Notebook Addicts Anonymous - my name's Kate Walker and I'm a notebookaholic.
    My problem is that I buy them and then I'm a total coward I get this dreadful fear that nothing I can write will ever be good enough to grace those beautiful smooth, clear, pristine pages . . and so they stay beautiful and pristine - and I scribble my notes in a tatty reporter's notebok that is much more forgiving and doesn't seem to mock the idiocy of my thoughts or, worse, my appalling handwriting! I have a big collection of the beautiful notebooks - the ones I daren't use!

  9. Scarlet, I know EXACTLY which notebook you mean. I have it in pink and purple. Gorgeous But red sounds good (runs off to shop......)

  10. Kate, you write beautiful stories and beautiful stories deserve to start life in a beautiful note book so go right now and lift the prettiest one off the shelf and write something in it. And then maybe just hold it on your lap for a bit to give it the attention it deserves

  11. Lol! What's this with notebooks and girls? Do you think man and boys also collect notebooks and pen?

    And do they enjoy browsing in the office supply section of every department shops as we do?

    I can spend hours going through all types of folders, files and notebooks!

  12. Oh my gosh! My girlfriend and I are the exact same way! I just love notebooks! I am into pink and have a lot of cool ones where I tied different colored ribbons around the spiral bound part. Just love it!

    Then I love the ones that are on sale. I have bought some really nice ones for only 25cents at Target. They are stiched at the bound edge and have pages that are perforated so you can easily tear them out. Plus the covers come in array of neon colors.

  13. I'm a notebook collector, too. Some are just too lovely to write in - I just take them out occasionally and give them a little stroke. My discovery of Moleskine was a joy!

  14. I don't have a secret addiction. I think my pocket book rules that out. I do love beautiful stationery though. A note through the post to someone is so very personal.

  15. Nas, in my opinion men and boys don’t have the right genetic make up to truly appreciate the finer points of an attractive notebook. For them, stationery just needs to be fit for purpose (breaths rapidly), not pretty. So glad I’m likely to bump into you in the office supply section.

    Michele L – ribbons?? Now why didn’t I think of that? I do sometimes jazz my books up with little stickers (I have beautiful heart shaped ones that sparkle). I love the sound of the neon coloured ones from Target.

  16. Liz, I should have known you would love notebooks, too. Those handbag sized moleskin ones are particularly well designed for writers! I have occasionally 'saved' a notebook for something special but generally I don't have the will power to leave them blank for long. I admire your restraint!

  17. Marybelle, I agree that a personal note on lovely paper is very special, even more so as fewer people use that method of communication. You may not be an addict (lucky you) but you clearly appreciate the aesthetic qualities of good stationery!
