
Monday, July 25, 2011

How Many Are Happy Book-a-holics -- Michelle Monkou

I spent a beautiful and restful two weeks in Barbados a few weeks ago. While I enjoyed the vivid blue beaches, tropical breezes, delicious food, and a rum punch or two, I embraced paradise whole heartedly.

At first, I thought that I would write madly. Rise early, eat, dawdle, and then write until the moon rose. HAH!

From Day 1 through Day 13, I entered a new level of happiness. The two houses where my family stayed had a library. In a snap, I was doing the happy dance.

I read so much that my son asked why was I doing something that I could have done at home. After all, the library was only for decoration. Obviously, he's not a book-a-holic.

One particular day, I encouraged everyone to go to the beach. Then I put on my swimsuit, got munchies and my beverage, and headed for the poolside. I got so entrenched in the story that I almost forgot to take a dip into the pool. And then, I couldn't wait to get out and continue reading.

So many books, so little time.

What are some of your book-a-holic moments?

Happy Summer!

Michelle Monkou

If I Had You - March 2012


  1. I am a serious book-a-holic, reading for several hours without stop if I can really get into the book. One of the most memorable times I did this was when the last Harry Potter book came out. I started reading around 9 am and finshed the book around 11 pm. I stopped only for bathroom breaks and to quickly get food, which I ate while reading. Fantastic book!

    I love getting lost in books and emerging hours later.

  2. I eat while reading, listen while driving, read when I can at work (don't tell anyone!). I have 2 ereaders, read on my cell phone and bought a droid pad which is basically a big ereader. I keep a library in the RV, a book of short stories in the jeep at all times, and bought an nano so I could listen while walking.

    When we went on a cruise a few years ago, the first place I checked out was the library. Hubby and I were there at least once a day.

    And damn Border's for closing.

  3. Reading a new series I become obsessed. Especially if I have waited until I had all of the books. Then BOOM you will not see me for days, practically.


  4. I'm always a bookaholic, I read when I'm cooking. I stirr, turn down or up the heat & lift lids to see how it's all going, in between chapters. Yes sometimes it does affect the meal. But when you've got a good book, the food for the soul seems more important, don't you think.
