
Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Paula Roe: Australian Author month

April is Australian Author Month, with many bloggers and reviewers selecting Aussie authors to read and review. So today I thought I'd share with you nine of my favorite reads by some wonderful Aussie authors.

Kelly Hunter - Wife for a Week
This was Kelly’s debut book and an instant keeper for me. A pretend wife, an ancient vase and a comedy of errors make for one sexy, fun read.

Bronwyn Jameson - Addicted to Nick
I think this has to be my favorite Bronwyn Jameson book. Set on a horse farm, it involves a feisty girl, a bad boy and heaps of sizzling romance!

Elynne Mitchell - The Silver Brumby
Okay, so it’s not a romance, but Elynne Mitchell, for those of you who don’t know, is a superstar in Aussie children’s fiction. Her Silver Brumby series chronicling the lives and loves of Thowra, king of the wild horses, instantly transported me to a fantastic world of talking horses and the glorious scenery of mid-Australian outback.

Keri Arthur - Full Moon Rising
The first in Keri’s Riley Jenson books, this book sizzles and steams! Set in Melbourne, Riley is half vampire, half werewolf, working for a secret government agency that polices the supernatural races. It’s unique, fast and gritty. Beware – it’s addictive but totally worth it, and has a satisfying ending to the nine-book series.

Christine Wells -Scandal's Daughter
Christine’s debut book is delightful from beginning to end. A flirty Regency romance with heart and depth, it’s about an incorrigible rake who must find a husband for his childhood friend, the daughter of a notorious seductress.

CC Coburn - Colorado Christmas
If you love quirky small US towns, community, a by-the-book heroine and a charming rogue hero who goes after the woman he wants, you’ll love CC’s book.

Janet Gover - Girl Racers
Set in the beautiful Snowy Mountains near our nation’s capital of Canberra, two childhood sweethearts are forced together to win a charity car race. With lovely secondary characters, this story was a sweet, delightful read, with complex characters and a fast-paced story.

Denise Rossetti - Gift of the Goddess
Denise’s first book is a blend of eroticism and fantasy with shades of medieval life as our heroes (two guys, one girl) go on a quest to placate an angry goddess. Beware –not for the easily shocked as it has lots of hot, sweaty M/M/F sex and an unconventional ending.

Kirsty Brooks – The Vodka Dialogue
With heaps of 80s references, quirky characters and a luscious amateur PI heroine, this Melbourne-set chick lit/sleuth series featuring Cassidy Blair is a scream!

Got a favorite Aussie author? A keeper that’s set in Australia? I’d love to hear your recommendations!


Award winning author Paula Roe loves writing about Aussie characters and settings. Her fifth book, Promoted to Wife? Highlights the beautiful Gold Coast and cosmopolitan Sydney, two of her favorite places to visit. You can read more at her website


  1. Hi Paula ,

    Fabulous post and thank you for introducing me to some new Australian Authors that I have not been aware of I am definitely going to be checking them out.

    My favorite Australian author is definitely Melanie Milburne every single book she writes is pure brilliance and a masterpiece !

    Thanks for a great post.

    Take Care,

  2. Hi Paula ~ I had a long post typed up but blogger ate it. Just as well as I have so many favorite Australian authors that I'd hate to miss any of them on my list. I can tell you that Joyce Dingwell was probably the first AA I read. Margaret Way probably followed Joyce. I will read some Australian authors in April.

  3. Hi Desere! Melanie is the loveliest lady, too :-)

    Hi Kaelee! Huh, Blogger does that to me all the time grrr... I have a heap more on my favorites list, like Maureen McCarthy and Anna Campbell. And not surprisingly, some of my favorite people are Aussie authors - Amy Andrews, Maggie Nash, Helen Bianchin... I could go on!

  4. Hi Paula ~ After blogger ate my long comment I realized I'd left a few names off the list. That's the problem as there are so many Australian authors whose books I love. Let's face it I have too many favorite authors and not enough time or money to read them all.

  5. Oh I know she is a angel !

  6. Hi, Paula,

    My to-be-purchased list just jumped by
    nine! I think I'm going to need Honey's
    SUV to carry my purchases home from the
    next bookstore run!

    Pat Cochran

  7. I make absolutely no apologies for my recommendations, Pat :-)
