This year I'm not doing any reading challenges, but I was intrigued by Neil Hollands' blog about his New Year's reading resolutions. They include:
1. Finding the time to read for more than an hour instead of stealing a couple minutes here and there.
2. Continue reading across the fiction section of his library. (This sounds incredibly ambitious!)
3. Re-read the classics
4. Discover new writers
5. Finish some book series
You can read his full blog entry here.
I particularly like his goal to find at least an hour to read. I have noticed in the past year that I can't get involved in a story if I limit myself a chapter here or 10 minutes there. I want to be fully immersed, but that can only happen if I find an hour or two to read the book.
I'm hesitant to make any reading resolution or goal. They don't go well for me. However, there are some changes I want to make in my reading habits. Reading isn't a part of my daily schedule and I would love to dedicate a block of time each day to read.
So for 2011, I have a reading resolution: I will make reading for pleasure a priority.
What about you? Are you participating in a reading challenge or do you have a reading resolution?
What's sad is i can actually get more reading in at work than I can at home. because of my job we have lots of down time and I tend to use it to read. But don't tell anyone!!
ReplyDeleteThe trouble with downtime at work is trying to look busy! Reading on the computer helps make you look so productive. :)
ReplyDeleteNo challenges.
ReplyDeleteI already read a book a day or more.
Have to say no to both of your
I don't know how much of a part
the holidays played in this, but I've not had my usual amount of reading time lately. I've begun
to increase the amount of time
spent with my "printed friends."
Pat Cochran
Well, I did my first challenge over the second half of the year, a Jane Austen one, and didn't make it. Challenges might be fun for some, but to me, it's just too much unneeded pressure. LOL So, definitely no more challenges. Because I went back to college fall 2009, I've been reading less than what I did before I went back. It's ridiculous for me to feel bad that I have been less, because school does come first, and I'm certainly reading that book, but still, I want to get to my fiction books!!! LOL :)
Well, last year I started a book journal. I should have started one years ago! I write all the books titles, author, my opinion of story, quick synopsis, and where I got the book. It has been so interesting to see all the books I have read and how many!
ReplyDeleteMy New Years resolution would be to read even more books this year than I did last year.
I don't do reading challenges, so I won't change that this year. I do however want to read more this year and I've vowed to try reading some steampunk, it's a genre I haven't tried yet.