
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Have you Downloaded? Donna Alward

Have you downloaded your free books?

Did you know that Harlequin has a site where you can download a book from each of its series for free? has been around for a few years now, and this month they're mixing up the lineup of books offered for free. And there's a reason why I'm bringing it to your attention. Not just because it's the chance to get SIXTEEN books for a grand total of $0 - though that *is* just awesome, isn't it? I'm really excited because the new selection for the Romance line is my debut Romance - HIRED BY THE COWBOY.

It'll be available from TryHarlequin and other sellers for the WHOLE YEAR.

Right now last year's books are still available, and the others are coming soon! So what are you waiting for? Get clicking!

You can catch up with what else I'm up to on my site, blog and twitter.


  1. Hi Donna I haven't ever downloaded a book. the first free books Harlequin gave away were ones I had mainly read. I'm gald you get a book given away as more people should enjoy your books in MHO. Sending you lots of good writing wishes.

  2. Hi Donna,

    Thanks for the link. I had tried downloading earlier but for some reason error message comes up. Now if only the one HIRED BY THE COWBOY downloads, well I'll be so lucky!

  3. Thanks for the information, Donna!
    I did download the previous group
    offered, but didn't know they are
    being so generous again this year.

    Pat Cochran

  4. Thank you Donna I cant wait to read it !
