
Thursday, December 09, 2010

Low Country - Eric Haney

The KENNESAW TANNER novel series came about originally as a concept for a feature film. I began writing what turned out to be the first book, NO MAN¹S LAND, as a movie script but after I was several scenes in I realized that I liked the character so much that I wanted to give him a long life. The problem was that when I sold the script I would lose all rights to the character and the story.

So instead, I called my literary agent, told him what I was doing and said that I wanted to do this first as a novel. That way even should I eventually turn it into a film or television series I would still own the character. So that is what happened. In the first novel, I introduced Kennesaw Tanner, several recurring characters, and gave him a mission but at the same time I planted the seeds for the second novel, LOW COUNTRY. And now, here it is. Also, it appears that my original objective may come into being after all: we are getting close to close a deal to produce both books as major motion pictures.

With a bit of luck, Kennesaw Tanner may get a long run.


Eric L. Haney was born in the mountains of North Georgia. During his twenty-year military career, he served only in critical, front-line combat units – as a Combat Infantryman, a Ranger, and as a founding operator of Delta Force.

Post-military, Haney has worked throughout the Middle East and Latin America, protecting princes, presidents, and CEOs. He led the protective force that returned President Bertrand Aristide to Haiti. He has negotiated with Latin American guerillas for the safe return of hostages and provided security for international oil companies operating in the most dangerous regions on earth. He has also worked with a group of fellow ex-Delta commandos to rescue American children kidnapped around the world.

Today, Haney lives and works in Los Angeles with his wife, writer Dianna Edwards.

***For a chance to win a copy of Eric Haney's Low Country, please leave a comment!***

****Congratulations to Asylumgirl and SiNn!!  Both of you have won a copy of Eric's Low Country.  Please email me at with your full name and mailing address and we'll get a copy in the mail to you right away.  Thanks to everyone else who commented!!****


  1. *stares bug eyed* your book is getting made into a movie and u are so laid back about it. I would be jumping in my padded cell by now. How do you do it?

  2. Congrats! It sounds like you made the right decision - good luck with the movie :)

  3. Congratulations on a well thought out plan.

  4. Congratulations on the motion picture deal. Will there be more books in this series, after Low Country?

    nas_dean@ymail . com

  5. I love a good murder mystery or two!

  6. congrats on the motion picture deal! anddd i haveto say low country sounds awesome!'

  7. Sneaky Devil. I like it.

    Now I have to go find it and read it.

  8. Congrats on the almost deal, sounds like they'll make great movies. I'm from Georgia myself, so I'm curious if the mountains of north Georgia will play into your books.

    deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

  9. Oh my gosh, is it okay if I say HOLY bleep it's Eric Haney!

    Like the Inside Delta Force Eric Haney.

    Having a little awe moment here.

    Movie rights? That sounds like very good news to me. I was crushed when THE UNIT went off the air. Have all the seasons on DVD.

  10. Congratulations and best wishes on this movie deal. Your book sounds compelling and wonderful.

  11. Low Country Sounds excellent. Congratulations on this deal.
