
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

HOMECOMING DAY...and a contest!

Happy Hanukkah, everyone! Today, I'm celebrating the release of my December book, HOMECOMING DAY!

All my books start at exactly the same point. What if... This one specifically started with the question, “What if two people who’d loved completely, lost their loved ones?” I’ve dealt with people who’ve had other good relationship. I’ve dealt with people coming from bad or no relationships. But both the hero and heroine of this book, Seth and Laura, came from happy, loving relationships they assumed would last forever. Both are still dealing with the pain of their loss. The story explores how they help each other heal...and how they find a way to love again. Most of my books have some theme, motto or high concept. One sentence that keeps me on track as I write it. For Homecoming Day my sentence was, “Life gives second chances...sometimes so does love.”

This book takes readers back to Whedon, Pennsylvania and the Keller family. Unexpected Gifts and A One-of-a-Kind Family were also set in Whedon, and next year’s (9/11) A Father’s Name (a working title that’s subject to change) is also set there. I love revisiting towns and characters from previous books. Readers of the earlier books had asked for Seth’s story, and I was thrilled I got to tell it in Homecoming Day. The other character from those earlier books that seemed to strike a chord with readers was Eli’s (Unexpected Gifts) friend, Tucker. Her story is A Father’s Name and will be out next September. I hope everyone who asked for these stories feel I did them justice.

Seth is a cop. SuperRomance included Homecoming Day under their “Count on a Cop” miniseries umbrella. I was thrilled since I count on a cop husband. I have two brothers who are also police officers. I think it takes a special breed of person to put themselves out on the line, day after day. I’ve had readers ask why my police characters don’t solve mysteries and catch murders. They may someday. But I like showing them as everyday heroes. The kind person who goes out and talks about safety a local schools, like Lt. Chuck did in Once Upon a Valentine’s. And I love that Seth works with the local high schools–that he doesn’t deal with criminals, but he also tries to intervene with kids and steer them toward a better way of doing things. He cares. I think that caring shows through in all my police characters, and I know it definitely is evident in the police officers I know and love. It takes a special breed of person to be a cop...I’m lucky to have people like that in my day-to-day life.

The heroine, Laura, is another special breed of person. She’s a teacher. I also have many family members and friends who are in the teaching profession. Like police officers, I think most teachers are people who care, who want to make a difference. I know that Laura is. Her concern for her student, JT, shows how far she’ll go to try and help a student. I think these two special people who both were suffering from a horrible loss make a perfect couple, and their story, makes the kind of holiday story I love to filled with hope and love.

I hope you all enjoy it!

My Facebook and eHarlequin friends have followed my basketweaving saga. I promised them a chance to win one, so I’m going to run a contest to celebrate the release of Seth and Laura’s story, HOMECOMING DAY. I had a lot of suggestions on what kind of contest to run. Since Seth and Laura’s story is truly about that feeling of coming home, a feeling so many people identify with this time of year I took your suggestion for the contest. Just share a favorite Christmas memory...something that gives you that warm glow of homecoming and family. That’s all it takes to enter. (Of course, I do hope you’ll purchase a copy of Homecoming Day, too! LOL)

You can send it to me at HollyJacobs1 (at) I’ll draw a name on December 15 and the prize is, as of my baskets. Please remember, I’m a novice basketmaker, so it will arrive full of flaws, but I can guarantee those flaws make it a totally one of a kind basket! LOL

So, Happy Hanukkah, Pre-Merry Christmas! I hope your holiday season is filled with love!

Read an excerpt at


  1. Congrats on the release of Homecoming Day. It sounds wonderful. And I love the basket you wove. You're one talented lady!

  2. Thanks, NJ! I'm jazzed it's finally out, and as for the basket...I keep reminding everyone, I really am a beginner. I've got less than a year under my belt, so don't expect miracles! LOL


  3. Hi Holly! Congrats on the release of Homecoming Day! I don't know how I missed the fact that this is Seth's story. Now I'm even more excited to get it!

    Thank you for writing Tucker's story too! I've been hoping you would. :)

    As someone who loved long and well (25 years with my wonderful husband) before losing that love to cancer, I enjoy reading stories of others in similar situations who find the strength and courage to love again. Looking forward to Seth and Laura's journey.

    Hey, I think that basket looks terrific!

  4. PJ, Thanks so much! I'm glad you're happy this is Seth's story, and Tucker's was so much fun! I'm going to hate to say goodbye to Whedon and the gang, but I'm working on a new town and a new gang!

    As for the basket, thanks for saying so, but when you look up close, you can see the flaws. There's a saying that is attributed to the Amish that says that flaws are good, because only God is perfect. I'm using that big time about the baskets! LOL


  5. On a side note...I wrote this song to represent my Christmas:

    A Frazzled Romance Author/Wife/Mother-of-Four/Dog Pack Owner’s 12 Days of Christmas

    On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a pretty, green Christmas Tree.

    On the second day of Christmas, my bad dogs gave to me, two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    On the third day of Christmas, the smallest dog gave to me, three little ‘accidents,’ two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, four bottles of Nature’s Miracle to clean the three little ‘accidents’ next to the two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    On the fifth day of Christmas, Borders gave to me...five HOMECOMING DAYs on the shelf! Four bottles of Nature’s Miracle to clean the three little ‘accidents’ next to the two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    On the sixth day of Christmas, my Facebook friends gave to me, six Facebook pings, five HOMECOMING DAYs on the shelf! Four bottles of Nature’s Miracle to clean the three little ‘accidents’ next to the two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    On the seventh day of Christmas, reviewers gave to me, seven new reviews, six Facebook pings, five HOMECOMING DAYs on the shelf! Four bottles of Nature’s Miracle to clean the three little ‘accidents’ next to the two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    On the eighth day of Christmas, Erie, PA gave to me, eight feet of snow, seven new reviews, six Facebook pings, five HOMECOMING DAYs on the shelf! Four bottles of Nature’s Miracle to clean the three little ‘accidents’ next to the two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    On the ninth day of Christmas, my family gave to me, nine people for dinner, eight feet of snow, seven new reviews, six Facebook pings, five HOMECOMING DAYs on the shelf! Four bottles of Nature’s Miracle to clean the three little ‘accidents’ next to the two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    On the tenth day of Christmas, my family gave to me, ten loads of laundry, nine people for dinner, eight feet of snow, seven new reviews, six Facebook pings, five HOMECOMING DAYs on the shelf! Four bottles of Nature’s Miracle to clean the three little ‘accidents’ next to the two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    On the eleventh day of Christmas, my editor gave to me, eleven pages of revisions, ten loads of laundry, nine people for dinner, eight feet of snow, seven new reviews, six Facebook pings, five HOMECOMING DAYs on the shelf! Four bottles of Nature’s Miracle to clean the three little ‘accidents’ next to the two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    On the twelfth day of Chaos...uh, Christmas, my friends all gave to me, lots and lots of glee, eleven pages of revisions, ten loads of laundry, nine people for dinner, eight feet of snow, seven new reviews, six Facebook pings, five HOMECOMING DAYs on the shelf! Four bottles of Nature’s Miracle to clean the three little ‘accidents’ next to the two broken ornaments underneath my pretty green Christmas Tree.

    Happy Holidays!!


  6. Wow! Love the song. Congratulations on the new story. So looking forward to read it!

  7. Nas, Well, I embellished a little on the song, but Chaos is the watchword around here lately! LOL

    And thanks so much for the congrats on the book! I've so enjoyed hanging out with the Keller family and writing the stories in Whedon!


  8. I tie my tree to the china cabinet for a reason. I know I will be pulling at least two cats out of it, and maybe a dog or two.

    Looking forward tot he book.

    And your basket may be, as you say, full of novice flaws, but I see them as artistic little touches. It's beautiful. My great, great grandparents, aunts and uncles were known in upstate NY for their basket weaving. It's not in my genes tho.

  9. HOLLY!! I've been following your basket weave on Facebook and I love the picture!! I can't believe it! You did a fabulous job.

  10. Ev,

    How cool about your basketweaving heritage! I've got another couple to make before Christmas. Even my son wanted one! LOL

    Tying the tree is a good idea. I have the small one out's up on a table in front of the window and looks great. But I suspect the big, real one later in this month is going to be very tempting to the dogs! LOL


  11. Thanks, Tonya! Questions about my baskets have been a lot of my reader/friend email lately! It's great that my FB friends don't mind my talking about them! LOL I'm hoping this time next year I'll offer up another one as a prize and it will be a bit better!


  12. Your book sounds like a very heartwarming story. I can't wait to read it.

  13. The song is so cute! I cannot wait to read the newest book, can't wait!

    I love that you are making baskets, that's so cool.

  14. Thank you so much, Linda! I come from a comedic background, but the books I write for Super are so much more serious. It's really stretched my writing, I think.

    Mary, I'm so glad you liked my crazy song! Right now, three of the four dogs staying here (by January, two will be moving into their new home!!) are cuddled next to me as I work on the laptop...hey, at least it's warm! LOL As for the basketweaving, I love it. It's creative and so much fun!


  15. I love baskets and this one.

    I remember coming home and the first thing I did was go into the living room and dive under the tree(practically dive)to see the presents and who got who's name , etc. Then I'd get up and look at the tree Mom had decorated. She always did unique trees. Then I knew I'd come home.

  16. Thanks so much for both the basket compliment and for the entry!


  17. Hi Holly, I've enjoyes your other books and know this iwll be great as well, congrats on your release.
    It does not look easy to do baskets, so good for you!

    My fav Christmas memory is spending it with my daughters, esp the 1 several yrs ago, it was the last time we were all together.

  18. Thanks so much, Dina! I'm glad you've enjoyed my books before, and hope you like this one, too!

    And thanks on the baskets. They're so much fun to do!

