
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Parties and Weddings - Donna Alward

This weekend the family is off to a wedding. We're kind of excited as we don't often have "special" occasions, and the last time I was at a Christmas wedding was in 1994, I believe. The year before we got married. A family friend tied the knot and unfortunately I didn't enjoy the ceremony as much as I might have as I was the soloist and a bundle of nerves. But Christmas weddings are beautiful, aren't they? I mean, twinkle lights kind of come with the package, and as red is one of my favourite colours, I'm in heaven at Christmas time. Reds, golds, greens,'s all so rich and romantic, I think.  To invoke a little Mr. Elton, A wedding is a wedding, but a Christmas wedding....

This particular wedding is, in a way, in lieu of a Christmas party for us. Being a writer means the only work parties I attend at Christmas are cyber ones - like Harlequin's Open House happening tomorrow and some contests going on around the web. Nope, it's plain old "have a cup of eggnog in my yoga pants" during these occasions. I was talking to a neighbour recently about why Christmas parties are so desirable. It's not about office politics or gossip or who gets out of hand when they drink too much. It's that these days there isn't always a sense of occasion to things. And for one night it IS nice to get dolled up, go OUT, eat a meal I haven't cooked, have someone remove my plate for me, enjoy a few cocktails and maybe even a dance with my honey. There is a staff lunch where my husband works, but no formal "party" either. And I kind of miss that.

So the last few weeks have been a test in self-denial so I can fit into the red dress I want to, and I've got my high heels ready to go!

What about you? Do you go for the Christmas party circuit or would you rather give them a miss?

And if you're more of a "curl up with a book on a December evening" kind of person, I can recommend a lovely holiday anthology. Christmas Wishes & Mistletoe Kisses is available from Mills and Boon this month (and for download for those not in the UK). In it you'll find a reprint of last year's Montana, Mistletoe, Marriage duet by Patricia Thayer and myself, and also A Fairytale Christmas duo by Susan Meier and new Romance author Barbara Wallace! I've read all the stories and readers are definitely in for a treat!

I hope you all have a marvelous holiday season!

Merry Christmas,



  1. Just saying the words 'Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses' invokes a sigh...

  2. Hello Donna

    Great post ! I am definitely more of a curl up with a book person the christmas party circuit is something I would rather give a miss , spending quality time with my family ,going to church is much more my style and after all is done a good book is definitely what I am after!

    And I agree with Christina Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses invokes a definite sigh I am just dying to read it !

    Have a great day and happy holidays to you and your family


  3. I adore that wedding cake with the poinsettias. I'm a massive fan of Christmas and weddings, too, Donna - I've only gone to one holiday ceremony, but would love to go to more. Have fun at the one you're attending.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Haven't gone to a Christmas party in years.

    Have a Happy Holiday Season!

  5. I'm off next week and hope to be read a few of my Christmas books.

  6. I'm off next week and hope to be read a few of my Christmas books.

  7. Oh, Donna,

    I'm a curl up with a book kind of
    person, but in December! There is
    definitely not enough time to
    indulge in that particular activity.

    Pat Cochran
