
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Girl's Night Ins by Michelle Styles

Last night I chaired another successful Girl's Night In. A group of women's fiction writers have banded together and basically put on a road show that we take to different libraries in the area. They have proved hugely popular so far.
The format is that the authors have a panel discussion about how we work, and in the background, various beauty treatments are offered. Last night,  there was enough interest in the beauty treatments to keep three manicurists going for the full two hours! The library puts on wine and nibbles. Once a library even had cupcakes with flowers and pink champagne. My publisher Mills & Boon has been wonderful in providing books (and in the last two cases -- pink pens!) for the occasion. Each woman leaves with a goodie bag that includes a voucher for money off from the nail person and the books. The books I should add are not mine, but rather a selection so that the people can try something new. My daughter who goes likes to trawl through and has found several new to her authors. Apparently Amy Andrews is excellent in medicals and then there is Caitlin Crewes and Kate Hewitt in Modern whose books captured her attention. She is still trying to figure out a way to sneak home a Blaze or two...
The age range goes from high school up to pensioner and often times the people attending are not regular library goers. But everyone seems to have a good time. And that is the aim to show people that you can have a fun night out in the library!
It is so good to see people really begin to understand what a wide range of books we do. From the My Weekly Story novellas and ebooks through to romantic suspense, a romantic comedy writer who talks very candidly about her struggles with writer's block and who has made me understand the sheer nature of determination to best selling saga writer and then there is me with my historical romance.
So has anyone else been to any good libraries events lately?

In my own news:
Starting on 15 November, eharlequin will be doing a free online weekly serial of mine -- His Stand In Bride. It is loosely linked to my two North American releases A Question of Impropriety (Dec 2010) and Impoverished Miss Convenient Wife.
If you want to learn more about my books, please visit my website

Note: BLogger is not letting upload pictures from the event...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle, just wanted to say how much I loved the idea of a girls' night in! Sounds like lots of fun!

