
Monday, September 06, 2010

The Top 8 Professions of a Romance Character --- Susanna Carr

It's Labor Day in the United States, which is a holiday that celebrates the achievement of American workers. That got me thinking...

A couple of months ago I read a news article about an evolutionary psychology research study on Harlequin book titles. Part of the research was listing the 20 most frequently occuring professions in 15,000 Harlequin titles published between 1949 and 2009.

The top professions were:

1. Doctor (388 titles)
2. Cowboy (314 titles)
3. Nurse (244 titles)
4. Boss (142 titles)
5. Prince (122 titles)
6. Rancher (79 titles)
7. Knight (77 titles)
8. Surgeon (77 titles)

The finding surprised me, but it also proved to me that the titles don't tell the whole story. Romance heroes and heroines have so many more interesting occupations and professions. They can be anything from artists to assassins -- or both!

Right now I'm reading The Cinderella Deal by Jennifer Crusie. The hero is a professor and the heroine is a professional storyteller, or as the hero sees it, a professional liar.

What are the characters' occupations in the book you're reading right now?


  1. I am reading Angela Knight's Mercenaries. So, they are mercs. I did just finish Jennifer Estep's Jinx, where the hero was a CEO of his company and the heroine was a fashion designer, both with superpowers.

  2. The book I just finished reading had a millionaire treasure hunter as the hero and the heroine owned a place where those who had to go to hospitals, etc for long term could leave their pets to be cared for.

  3. Well, just starting Double Play by Jill Shalvis -- hero is baseball player. . . and heroine is a writer. Those definitely aren't on the list! :)


  4. I am reading Lisa Jackson's Running Scared.
    Heroine is a teacher and hero is a rancher.

  5. I just finished reading PLAYING JAMES by Sarah Mason. The hero is a detective called Detective Sergeant James Sabine. The heroine is a journalist with the newspaper and her name is Holly Colshannon. It was an excellent story! This is the first book I read by her.

    I read THE CINDERELLA DEAL too! I love that story! Jennifer Crusie is one of my favorite authors!

  6. Hi, Susanna,

    I'm reading what I call a "duo" by
    Sharon Sala, two books in one cover. In the first, the heroine is a DEA agent and the hero is a Native American clan healer and formerly an Army Ranger. In the second, the hero is recently dis- charged from the Marines. The heroine is a member of a farm-
    ing family, able to see things
    happen and communicate using her

    Pat Cochran

  7. Hi Susanna,

    What an interesting post. I've just picked up a book where the heroine is a PA consultant and the hero a venture capitalist. Neither feather on the list...

  8. Or perhaps I should have said neither 'feature' on the list! (G). My head cold is affecting my spelling now.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Susanna, I am reading a book where the hero drives a race car.

  11. I have just finish reading a book by Trish Morey and the hero's occupation was a rich business man.

  12. One of my favourite books has the hero running an Italian coffee bar - a baristo?? is that the right word? I don't even *drink* coffee but every time I reread it, I want me some espresso :) I love a good alpha male but sometimes it's fun reading about something else entirely different.

  13. I just finished Diana Holquist's SEXIEST MAN ALIVE. The hero is an actor who is, of course, People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive.

  14. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Charlaine Harris's Eric Northman runs the Fangtasia night club in Dead Until Dark.
