
Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, Monday by Megan Crane

Well, it's Monday. There's no getting around it.

If you are in the UK or Australia, you can console yourself with my alter-ego Caitline Crews's brand new book, MAJESTY, MISTRESS...MISSING HEIR, which is out right now.

If, like me, you are in North America, you will sadly have to wait until October.

I am consoling myself with pictures of the delectable Andy Whitfield, who I am using as the visual inspiration for my newest book (which I am writing RIGHT NOW and which is due VERY, VERY SOON, not that I panicked ~sob~):

See? All better now.

Happy Monday to you too!


  1. Nice photographs! Good luck with
    your book! They always turn out
    so well!

    And yes, it is the Monday after a
    holiday and I am so tired. Spent
    the past four days with five of
    my grandchildren while their Mom
    and Dad were out of town. I truly
    feel my age today!

    Pat Cochran

  2. Wow, that first picture of Andy is down right Dangerous! ahaha.

    I cannot wait for this next book to come out here so I can read it. :)

  3. Pat: Thanks for the good wishes! And why am I always so tired AFTER a holiday? I need a holiday to recover!

    Mary: October will be here before we know it! I can't wait! :-)

  4. You definitely brightened my Monday.
    Can't wait til your next book!
    Looks like another winner.

  5. LOL! Andy is making the rounds as hero casting! He's my current casting and I think Maisey Yates's too!

    Yum yum yum.
