
Sunday, April 04, 2010

Revisions, Reprints, Revivals and Renewals by Kate Wallker

For those of you who celebrate it, Happy Easter!

I always think that Easter is a lovely festival to celebrate as it comes with such promises of Spring and a whole new sense of revitalisation and renewal. Perhaps it’s because of the reason we originally celebrate Easter in the first place – with the story of the resurrection coming after Good Friday and Jesus’ death. Or perhaps it’s because this particular festival still manages to be that bit simpler and less commercialised than ‘big one’ of Christmas with its emphasis on gifts and food and spending. Or perhaps it’s the time of year, with Spring coming at last and the flowers beginning to appear, the trees breaking into fresh green leaves, lambs in the field etc that emphasises the revitalisation and new growth in everything.

This is one of my favourite times of the year. A time that says that, no matter how dull and dreary things have become, how dark and cold the times have been, we can hope to look forward to renewal and refreshment. So perhaps it’s a good time for me to pause and look backwards and then forwards with my books as at the moment I’m sort of ‘in between’ with past present and future all coming together at one time.

The present ( or should I say Presents?) is that my current book The Konstantos Marriage Demand is still on the bookshop shelves in its Presents EXTRA edition for the next week or so. The Presents EXTRA publication schedule means that even when the main run of the Presents titles change, the EXTRA books stay around until the middle of the month. But the way that publishing works means that when each now novel appears for my readers, the book is already ‘past’ for me as I will have written it up to 18 months ago.

The Konstantos Marriage Demand for example was bought by my editor in April last year., and I’ve already written another couple of books since then. One of which I’m revising now. That’s the current book for me – one that will be scheduled and published, probably early in 2011. This means that I always have something to look forward to – which is wonderful!

And the ‘past’ is there in the way that older books get reprinted and come back to have a second chance of publication when they are reprinted because they have been bestsellers in the past. I have one of those published in the UK this month (16th April) when a Mills & Boon By Request brings out 3 of my sexy Sicilian heroes in a reprint collection called Claimed by The Sicilian. Unusually, all 3 stories in this book are my novels, normally the By Request books have stories by 3 different authors so I’m really honoured that the titles here are all mine. (If you want to know which ones they are Sicilian Husband, Blackmailed WifeThe Sicilian’s Red-Hot Revenge – and The Sicilian’s Wife.)

This collection also has one of the new designs of covers that have been brought in for the Mills and Boon editions and I really love it. I’ll post a pic of it so you can see - I’d love to know what you think. New covers, new style titles are coming up and there are more changes planned for the Harlequin Mills & Boon novels in the future as the books get a whole new look – though the one thing that will remain the same is that there will be great stories to read every month.

So renewal and refreshment is in the atmosphere and it’s a great mood that combines with the arrival of Spring to lift the spirits and make me want to look to the future. And it seems to be happening all around – here in the UK, last night was the launch of the brand new season of Dr Who with a brand new Doctor and brand new scripts created by a new team of writers. I watched the first episode last night and was excited by this new ‘relaunch’ of an old favourite. I’ve loved the ‘old’ Doctor Whos (some more than others) but what I love most of all is the way that this long-established series keep reviving and revitalising itself, renewing the ‘mixture as before’ and taking the familiar elements, stirring them up, putting them into new patterns, new versions and so creating something fresh and exciting and entertaining.

It’s a bit like romance writing really – and that’s what I’ve been doing with my books over the past 25 years. My next book out The Good Greek Wife (there's one of those new-style titles ) is like that – and the next project I have on my writing list is going to be even more that way– but I can’t tell you about that just yet. I’ll be able to say more in another couple of months – looking to the future again! So it seems really appropriate that I can celebrate Easter and its sense of renewal with my revivals and revisions. Spring seems like a much better time to think of ‘New Year’ than in the dark, dreary dull days of January! I even had a brand-new publicity photo taken to mark the new season - hope you like it.

So to celebrate Easter and this sense of renewal, I have a giveaway copy of Claimed by The Sicilian which isn’t available out side the UK (though you can get it through the Book Depository with free international postage if you wants to). Just come and chat with me in the comments, tell me what’s new in your world – are you spring cleaning or redecorating? Have you changed your job or maybe even moved house? Or what about your reading lists? Have you discovered a brand-new (to you) author whose books you just love? Please share with me. (When I finish ‘tweaking’ this Sicilian I’m going to have a little more time to read, I hope!) Or let me know what you think about those new covers, new-style titles like the Good Greek Wife. Just come and chat and I’ll get Sid the Cat pick a winner of a copy of Claimed By The Sicilian. (of you can have a copy of The Konstantos Marriage Demand if you’d prefer.)
And I hope you have a wonderful Easter holiday weekend - with lots of chocolate!
You can find out ore about what's new and exciting in my books and my life over on my web site and the really up to date stuff is on my blog.
Sid has chosen a winner and the name he picked is DENISE - so Denise you win a copy of Claimed By The Sicilian. If you email me your postal address (to kate AT ) I'll get your prize in the mail to you


  1. My goodness, Kate, you sure offered lots of things to talk about today! Oh well. I'm game (but not gamey, LOL)!

    New? Not much. Same-o, same-o: working, playing sports in the evenings, making special suppers for my family, scrapbooking (I'm only up to 1990), having lots of company over, tidying up clutters around the house.... Just getting ready to do income taxes for my family. Always a thrill -- not! The other taxes take less than 15 minutes each; mine takes 11 hours because I'm self-employed. No rest for the wicked apparently.

    Spring cleaning? Nope. The cleaning is done whenever I get to it, no matter the time of year. Not a priority to be tip top at all times. Just tidy at all times -- where people can see it; I make no guarantees about the basement....

    Redecorating? Nope. Other priorities at the moment.

    Same job for 24 years+. Same house for 27 years+.

    Reading lists? Don't go there! The list is astronomical! I am sooo far behind.

    New author whose books I just love? Sandra Hyatt. Have loved her first two books and am looking forward to her third in 2010.

    Good luck finding the time to read! It is so beautiful out this weekend (I'm in Canada with above-seasonal temperatures), although I DID take a break to check your blog!

    I hope you're enjoying your weekend. My two kids have gone away for the day, my husband is sleeping before his 6 pm 12-hour shift again, and I'm getting off of this computer for the next 5 hours! Yeah, right. Hell hasn't frozen over yet....

  2. Hi, Kate! Happy Spring! Here in the beautiful mountains of Southwest Virginia, we are enjoying gorgeous warm weather! The windows are open, fresh air is breezing in and daffodils are blooming : )

    I'm a "cover lover". The new style covers and titles are great!

    I have been looking for a job since I lost mine last November. Now that warm Spring weather is here, I hope that opportunity will be blooming along with the flowers.

    I have expanded my fiction box quite a bit in the past year. Thanks to blog posts, review sites, and author and publisher sites, my reader curiousity has grown by leaps and bounds. My one true indulgence these last few years has been my books. As a child, I was always found with a book. Then life happened. I grew and so did my responsibilities. For a while, I traveled away from books. Luckily it was a circular path, and now I'm back where I belong, book in hand.

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  3. Happy Easter!!
    I love Spring. I am taking a few days off this week. I plan to do a little yard work and spring cleaning. The closets are a mess.
    I have found a new-to-me author that I really enjoy--Erica Spindler. I am on the third book of hers. Next in my pile is Michele Scott.
    I would love to have your book. They are all great.

  4. Hi Laney - lots of topics but you don't have to talk about them all! But I'm glad you did join in. I'm always interested in learning more about my readers. I think your list and comments shows why the 'something new' feeling of Spring is a great one - we can be busy with the 'same-o, same-o' routine and then some new discovery - however small - freshens up our lives.

    And the recommendation of Sandra Hyatt is something I've noted - I was actually at the RWA Conference in San Francisco when she was told that her first book had been bought and I think I met her when I was in New Zealand - so I really must get my hands on one of her books and try for myself. Thanks for that!

    And enjoy the lovely spring weather - it's cold and wet and miserable here!

  5. Hello Virginia - every time I see that lovely cat picture you have there, it makes me smile!

    Your weather and surroundings sound lovely - so you're Virginia from Virginia? I shall keep my fingers crossed for you that the new season brings a new job, but at least not having one gives you extra time to enjoy the lovely weather. And to enjoy your 'one true indulgence'. I so agree - there is nothing better than being able to lose yourself in a good book.

  6. Hi Denise, thanks for dropping by. and I'm going to be doing exactly the same as you just as soon as the book I'm 'tweaking' has left my desk for my editor's - spring cleaning! I really need to do soemthing about that - and fast! We have visitiors coming the week after this - and I need to be able to find them a bed!

    Erica Spindler is an author I've always meant to try - but I've not come across Michele Scott. I'll have to hope for some reading time as well as spring cleaning.

  7. Hi.
    I'm looking forward to doing some yard work and gardening but it snowed yesterday..
    A new to me author that I enjoy is Lisa Renee Jones.
    Happy Easter.

  8. Hi Kate. Great blog thank you. Well as you know I got married three weeks ago so that was a big change in my life! So much p/wk to do! Other things on the horizon? I'm sending off some short stories I wrote over the weekend. So fingers crossed. And one author away from the HM&B scene is Trisha Ashley. Her new book Chocalate Wishes is great. Have a good BH Monday. Caroline x p.s don't enter me in your comp. as I have the (great) books.

  9. Hi Kate. My husband and I have planted a few vegetable plants in our little garden and have been doing yard work. We are planning to redecorate our living room in a couple of months.

  10. Hi Chey

    Ouch - snow! It's supposed to be spring! I hope the sun comes back to you soon.

    Oh - and I should tell you that you won a prize book already - over on We Write Romance. So if you email me your postal address I'll send that on to you (kate AT

  11. Hi Caroline

    I've seen your beuatiful wedding pics but your blog doesn;t seem to eant to accept my comments- your day looks wonderful and that's the perfect whole new beginning. I wish you a wonderful happy ever after

    And I know Trisha and her books - great choice!

  12. Hi Crystal - I hope your plants thrive and don't get ruined by any more cold weather. We need some sun! And I need to decorate a room or two myself - just need to find time!!
