
Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Reckless Surrender!

by Anna Campbell

It's always an exciting moment for me (and I suspect for all authors) when we see the final version of the cover for our next book. I know that's when everything becomes real for me - it's the moment when I think, yes, my story is going to be out there in the world very soon!

So it's with great pleasure that I share with you the cover for my June 2010 release MY RECKLESS SURRENDER.

Isn't it gorgeous? Really sensual and intriguing. Which is what I hope the book is as well! And that yellow really grabs the attention.

I love her pose, looking over her shoulder, as if daring the hero to come and get her, whatever the consequences. Hmm, that's like the story too! Needless to say, the hero can't resist her!

And I think you can see that very clearly when you open that cover and see this sexy stepback. They both look like they've surrendered very recklessly indeed!

Here's the blurb for MY RECKLESS SURRENDER:

Headlong into sin...

A well-practiced rake, weary of easy conquests and empty pleasures, Tarquin Vale, Earl of Ashcroft, knows women—and his every instinct warns him to beware of this one. Diana Carrick’s brazen overtures have thrown the haunted, sinfully handsome lord completely off his guard. Why, the exquisite temptress stated outright that she wishes to be his lover! But it is neither Diana’s boldness nor her beauty that intrigues him so—it is the innocence he senses behind her worldly mask.

Intent upon the seduction that will finally free her, Diana has set her sights on the notorious Ashcroft—never dreaming that there is much more to the enigmatic rogue than sin and deviltry. His kiss is bewitching, his caress intoxicating—and even the dangerous secret Diana must protect cannot shield her from Ashcroft’s dark allure.

Unwittingly yet most willingly, they are playing with fire. Now the fuse has been lit and there is no escape…except surrender.

You can find an excerpt on my website here. The book is already up for pre-order at Amazon.

So what books are you looking forward to reading in the next six months? I'm really looking forward to Madeline Hunter's new series and the new Christine Wells, SWEETEST LITTLE SIN, in May, among others. What about you?


  1. What a delicious cover - and the story sounds fab as well. Take care. Caroline x

  2. Gorgeous, gorgeous cover! Anna, I'm counting the days until I have this gem in my hands!

    I'm also counting the days until the release of Christine's next book. It's marked on my is yours! :)

    I've been lucky enough to read advance copies (for reviewing) of the following books and they're all wonderful! I'll be buying all five books as soon as they hit the stores.

    In Bed With the Duke - Christina Dodd
    Mistress by Mistake - Maggie Robinson
    Too Wicked to Kiss - Erica Ridley
    The Secret Duke - Jo Beverley
    The Summer of You - Kate Noble

    I just finished Madeline Hunter's Ravishing in Red. It was *so* good! Can't wait for the rest of the series.

    I have The Elusive Bride by Stephanie Laurens on my to-buy list. I loved the first book in this series and can't wait to dive into the second.

    Looking forward to reading everybody's lists. I'm sure I'll be adding more than a couple books to my tbb list before the day is done. *g*

  3. I do like your cover. The yellow is stunning, I don't think I've seen that many yellow covers. I'm looking forward to Nora Robert's last two books in the bride quartet, Fantasy In Death her new J.D.Robb, and as I enjoy anthologies The Mammoth Book of Special Ops.

  4. Love the cover. Sounds like a great book.

  5. I'm with Linda, think the yellow is really eye-catching and can't remember seeing many books with a yellow cover - good luck!

  6. I have to admit, the stepback is my favorite of the two ;-)

    I'm looking forward to diving into two debut novels from my RWA chapter:

    McShannon's Chance by Jennie Marsland (out now)

    Damaged by Pam Callow (out in June)

    And yours! I'm reckless, that way.

  7. Hey, thanks, Caroline! I always love sharing a new cover!

  8. PJ, you're so lucky getting advance copies for the Romance Dish. I've read Maggie's book - it's sizzling hot and a great read! Actually another book that's just screaming for me to pick it up is Connie Brockway's The Golden Season. But I've vowed I want some more pages done of my own first. Once I pick up a CB, I can't put it down.

    Hey, thanks for saying how much you like the cover!

  9. Hey, Linda, that's a great list. I've got a short story in the Mammoth Book of Regency Romance which is out in June - so I'm looking forward to that too. Be interesting to read everyone else's stories. I like anthologies too - it's a nice way for me to discover new writers. Thanks for saying you like the cover!

  10. Thanks, Rebekah! So glad you like the new cover and the sound of MY RECKLESS SURRENDER.

  11. Thanks, Susan! I love the yellow too. I think it's really going to stand out.

  12. Julia, I think people who are reckless have the better time ;-) I love reading great debuts! I remember last year I got Courtney Milan's debut PROOF BY SEDUCTION in manuscript and being just awed by her talent. Thanks for checking out the cover! I love the stepback too - I think it's really sexy.

  13. Your book looks hot. I can't wait to read it. I just finished Caitlin Crews book. I thought it was great!!! I am going to try Liza Palmer. I've heard she is really good.

  14. G'Day, Anna,

    It didn't work! I thought if I
    "acted" Australian I might fool
    myself into thinking it is not so
    cold today! Now the weather people
    say possible snow tonight! Woe are

    Guess I'll just have to warm up by gazing at that gorgeous cover and
    the stepback, too!

    Pat Cochran

  15. Ooh, Denise, I'll have to check out both those writers - they're new to me. Thanks for the recommendations. So glad you like the look of the new book!

  16. Pat, nice try! I was almost convinced. What a pity your weather wasn't. Actually it's REALLY sticky here this morning. Like sweaty and humid and horrible at 5am. I'm not sure we're that much better off! Or perhaps I've spent too long drooling over the stepback and the heat is getting to me! ;-)

  17. Looks great! Love the cover.
    I'm looking forward to Atlantis Redeemed by Alyssa Day.

  18. Mary, I've heard great things about Alyssa Day! Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for swinging by and checking out the new cover!

  19. The cover is absolutely gorgeous - sexy, pretty and elegant, all in one. Very enticing.

    Melina Morel

  20. Hey, thanks, Melina! I'm so glad you like it!

  21. I too love the yellow. Cheery. Welcoming. Calming. Yet infinitely sexy.

    Am looking forward to reading Sandra Hyatt's second novel, THE MAGNATE'S PREGNANCY PROPOSAL. I absolutely loved her first book, HAVING THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY, so I just pushed her book up to the top of my TBR pile today (as I can't wait any longer).

    Next will be Fiona McArthur's THE MIDWIFE'S NEW-FOUND FAMILY, followed by Claire Baxter's HER MEDITERRANEAN MAKEOVER.
