
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Spread a Little Love By Laura Griffin

My grandmother was one of the most un-bookish people I’ve ever known, but she taught me to love books. I remember her shelves crammed with paperbacks and the dog-earned novels scattered on tables throughout her house. She was a Pearl Harbor bride—a very young one at that—and she married my grandfather at the tender age of seventeen in December of 1941.

I think about her often, especially around the holidays when I’m feeling overwhelmed by kids, and shopping, and cooking, and houseguests. By the time my grandmother was thirty, she had six kids and a husband to look after…all without a washing machine. Looking back on all those novels she kept around, I think reading must have been her escape. How else to get a break from such a big, demanding family without the luxury of leaving the house?

This week I’m gearing up for the holidays and remembering my grandmother--her wonderful recipes (all of which contain about five ingredients and could feed an army!) and also her wonderful love of books. I will never forget the year she gave me a copy of LITTLE WOMEN that was given to her by her mother in 1934. At the time, I didn’t realize that she was giving me not just a book, but a hobby I would treasure for a lifetime.

If you’re a book lover like I am, I hope you’ll give someone a book this holiday. My grandmother never lived to see e-books and audio books, and I’m sure she would have been baffled by the Kindle. But she knew a good book when she read one and she didn’t hesitate to pass it along to someone she loved.

Laura Griffin is the award-winning author of the romantic thriller UNTRACEABLE, which hits bookstores this week. Visit her web site at


  1. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Lovely post. You're so right, there is no better gift than a book (at least that's MY favorie kind of present).
    Congrats on your release too !!

  2. I always buy my grandchildren books for Christmas. They love books.

  3. Good for you, Linda! My kids love books, too.

  4. Wonderful post, I love her books.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
