
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Still Mooning Over My Brand New Cover

I had all kinds of things I wanted to talk to you about.

What a great show Castle is, for example. What's not to love about Nathan Fillion? And Richard Castle is the coolest writer ever!

Especially when he's reading a really, really good book I happened to love myself.

But the truth is, I can't bear to pass up one more opportunity to show off the gorgeous new cover for my first Harlequin Presents, coming out in February:

Isn't that pretty? There is not one part of that cover I'm not in love with. That's just how I pictured Luc Garnier, the ruthless hero, and that looks just like Princess Gabrielle, my heroine-- sold by her father into an arranged marriage with this hard, determined man.

I had so much fun writing PURE PRINCESS, BARTERED BRIDE. I got to make up a Mediterranean kingdom, for one thing, which involved a whole lot of gazing at pretty pictures online. And I got to pretend to be a modern princess, faced with high stakes dilemmas and far too much to lose. Far more glamorous, I assure you, than my usual day to day life around the house--which usually involves decisions about which chores to ignore, rather than any conflict between, for example, duty and desire.

But I also love this cover because it represents the culmination of a life-long dream. I've been reading romance novels for decades. I've loved along with countless heroes and heroines, stayed up reading until I was gritty-eyed and useless the following morning, and rushed to the bookstore to get an author's next book mere moments after its publication because I couldn't bear to wait another second to be sucked into their worlds. I've moped around the house for days after some books ended, because I could have happily lived in those pages forever. I sometimes daydream about the daily lives of couples in books I read long ago. My keeper shelf is... much bigger than a single shelf. (A book case? A library?) Romance novels have saved me on occasion, healed me, changed my way of thinking, and made me conversant on numerous historical periods I never studied in school. All while delivering happily-ever-afters that make me cry, laugh, and breathlessly demand that others read them right this minute.

And now I get to write my version of these books I love so much, and share them with you.

With that lovely, lovely cover.

You can feel free to pinch me anytime!


  1. It is a great cover. I've been reading the Presents line for a long time. I will look forward to reading your book. Congratulations on the new book and I hope there are many more to come.

  2. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Lovely post. Congrats !!!

  3. Love the cover!

  4. Fab cover. Congratulations on the release of your book. It must be a real buzz to see your book on the shelves. Take care. Caroline x

  5. Great blog today, congratulations on your new book I'm looking forward to reading it.

  6. I'm so glad you all like the cover too! I'm thrilled. The book comes out in February, and I can't wait!

  7. Great post and congratulations on your first book!! I am an aspiring author currently working on revisions for a requested full into the Blaze line. I can only imagine (and dream) what it must be like to see such a tangible symbol of all the hard work you must have done to arrive at this point. You should moon for as long as you want to!!

  8. It's is a beautiful cover, congratulations.

  9. COngratulations! - I'm so happy you achieved your dream, and I love the cover too!

  10. Congratulations on a great cover for your debut!
