
Friday, October 16, 2009

Pictures & Other Images... Christina Hollis

Every writer gets a real thrill the first time they get their hands on a copy of a book they’ve written. My initial Modern Romance for Harlequin Mills and Boon, The Italian Billionaire’s Virgin, had extra special meaning for me. The cover picture of Antonio the hero looks just like my husband did, when we first met!

When I saw the cover of the Italian version of Count Giovanni’s Virgin the other day, I got another lovely surprise. The building that appears in the background behind Katie and Giovanni looks very like the house in which I grew up. The lighting and all those beautiful flowers make it feel so real. It gives the place a genuine sense of home.

Homes and gardens play a big part in my books. The heroine in my most recent Harlequin Presents title, The Tuscan Tycoon’s Pregnant Housekeeper worked in a luxury villa with a romantic garden that was ideal for secret meetings after dark. My next Modern Romance for Harlequin Mills and Boon, The Count of Castelfino, sees heroine Meg arrive in Italy to take on the job of her dreams. She is in for a shock, as new count Gianni is intent on making big changes and throws all her carefully laid plans into chaos.

Recently, I ran a competition on my website, asking for your favourite flower memories. I had so many lovely entries it was almost impossible to choose a winner. First out of the finalists’ hat was Jeanette from Ontario in Canada. She told a wonderful story of the man who would become her husband presenting her with a perfect single red rose over a romantic dinner for two. Jeanette preserved the flower as a unique memento of the evening, and now has many more lovely keepsakes in her collection. Little things like that really keep romance alive.

Autumn has arrived in earnest in my garden. As well as appreciating the fiery tints of cherry and blueberry leaves, I’ve been planning ahead by planting Brompton stocks, pansies, wallflowers and sweet williams to flower next year. As the nights draw in there’s less daylight time for gardening, but I’ve discovered a new indoor pastime to keep me going. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been tweeting on as ChristinaBooks. I have a quick tweet most mornings – it’s great fun! Although there is no substitute for meeting someone face to face, technology provides us with lots of different ways to ‘talk’ to each other. What is your favourite way of keeping in touch?

Writing takes up most of Christina’s life but there’s also time for fun with the family in the fresh air- especially at the moment, as it’s ‘Walk to School’ month. You can check up on their progress via ChristinaBooks on For more news of Christina’s books, drop in at


  1. I have a Facebook and a Twitter account, I don't do much on either. I had to laugh the other day when I got a notice that a couple of people were following me on Twitter. My first thought was why, I'm not doing anything. I have an old computer and it's hard to get into the new technology on this old dinosaur. Maybe when I get a new one I'll be more active on these. Until then, just keep following me, I might go somewhere.

  2. Although I have a Facebook account,
    I don't make much use of it. I did
    resist for quite a while, until the
    grandchildren got to me. Who can
    resist their grandkids' pleas to be
    "friended?" Even Honey had signed
    up before I did!!

    Pat Cochran

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I have a facebook account but all my "friends" are authors. I follow them through FB and that's pretty nice ;-)
    (what can I say, it's the fangirl in me ;-).

  4. I have a facebook account and love it I also have a myspace and twitter. I do like facebook more
    I can't wait to read her new book.

  5. I have had a MySpace account for like 5 years and have had the same 70 friends on it for just about that time.

    I just Joined Facebook when my sister in law told me she was on that.

    I have a twitter account but don't use it much.

    I also have a blog that I just mosltly post fun pictures that I find.

  6. Sorry everyone, I've only just discovered my blog was re-scheduled. I wouldn't be without my daily dose of Tweeting as Christinabooks, and I only wish I was a more dedicated Blogger. It's a great way to keep in touch!
    Best wishes
