
Thursday, October 29, 2009


With Halloween (in the US), fast approaching, I thought it would be a nice treat to interview one of the characters from my paranormal romance ILLUSIVE FLAME, just in time for this holiday.

Dara: Can you please introduce yourself to everyone?

Ms. Spenser: My name is Janet Matilda Spenser, but my name doesn’t really matter, because you did not invite me here to speak about myself. You want me to talk about my niece Victoria.

Dara: What did you know about your niece before she came to visit you?

Ms. Spenser: I knew I was taking a risk by having Victoria come and stay with me here in the States. But she had no one, no family, back in Jamaica. I thought she’d have a better chance with me. After all, I had settled well and had a fine job at a grand estate as a housekeeper.

Dara: What was so different about Victoria that concerned you?

Ms. Spenser: Before I met her I knew about the whispers and the mystery that surrounded her. I knew about the fire that killed a man and those who thought she might have started it, but I didn’t believe them. I trusted her gift. Or is it a curse?

Dara: Why would you call her gift a curse?

Ms. Spenser: She has this funny gift…you people call an empath. She can sense when a fire is going to happen or has been started by arson.

Dara: Did her ‘gift’ scare you? Were you concerned if your boss found out?

Ms. Spenser: Yes, but no. What I mean, was that as long as she kept it quiet I did not worry about it being a problem. The main thing I was concerned about was my employer learning about Victoria’s temper. Since she was a little girl, she’s had an explosive personality and would say whatever came to mind!

My employer, Mr. Robert Braxton, is a very smart man and an arson investigator. He’s a man of science, and at first wasn’t impressed with her claim. After a bitter divorce he was suspicious about a lot of things, not just her so called ‘gift, but also love. But the moment I saw him with Victoria I knew that putting out fires wasn’t the only thing that would bring them together….

Find out more about Victoria & Robert’s story at:

What paranormal gift you would enjoy having?


  1. That was a great idea for a blog. :) I think I would love just about any paprnormal gift, but being an empath is right up there with being able to morph into another shape at will.

  2. Great blog today. I enjoy your books Dara

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Nice blog !
    hmmm... paranormal gift... ? No, I don't think I'd like to have any ;-)

  4. I enjoy reading this blog. Only few can have such a great gift of knowing if a fire would exist any moment and to where it will be coming from :) Amazing!

  5. Great blog today!! I wouldn't mind having some kind of paranormal gift - but not any kind having to do with fire!!

  6. I think I would like to be able to touch people and know what was wrong with them so I could tell doctors what to look for.

  7. Ooo...loved your blog, Dara! Sure was fun having you here!

    The best paranormal gift to me would be to walk through anything and to hyper jump ahead to where you are going. So many times I bump into stuff and I wind up with a briuse. So if I was able to walk through things, bruises would be a thing of the past. Also, to hyper jump to anywhere I want to be, then I would never be late to any function. dream!

  8. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Thanks ladies, I really loved your responses.
