
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Long Distance!

I’m not going to talk about new releases or writing or publishing or any of that stuff today! I’m going to talk about Vonage! Well, not Vonage, as in advertising for them or anything, but the fact that I now have unlimited calling to 60 countries outside the US. And why is this significant, you ask! (Well, you probably don’t ask, but I’m going to tell you anyway). My husband and I have relatives in England and Norway. In fact, all my relatives are over there. My parents emigrated (or is that immigrated?) from England in the early fifties and my DH’s parents came over in the late fifties. All the aunts, uncles, cousins are all in the “old country.” When I was young, it was hellaciously expensive to call abroad. That was done only for special occasions. And in the back of my mind, it’s continued to feel that way (plus there was that one $700 bill we had for calling Norway which I’ve never truly gotten over; they charged us as if we were making a naughty 900 call!). I know most of my aunts very well because they visit at least every other year, or rather they used to, but as they get older, well, the traveling gets more and more difficult. But now, I can call them for free! I realize they aren’t going to be here forever, that one day I’ll turn around and they’ll be gone. Then I’ll wish I had taken the time to keep in touch. It’s the same with going down to visit my mom every other week. We have a great time, I love the evenings I spend with her, and one day I won’t be able to do that anymore. So I'm going to do it now while I can!

So, that’s my commitment to myself, to check in with my relatives once a month, see how they’re doing, and let them know they are loved. Anyone else have a commitment they want to make to themselves, something you’d like to share?

For those of you who want to leave a comment (please leave your email address so I can contact you), I’ll put you in for a drawing of an autographed copy of The Fortune Hunter (which just sold to a Japanese publisher, whoohoo!). I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates on new releases Yours for the Night, Hers for the Evening, Laced with Desire.

Please be sure to stop by my new website

Jasmine, Jennifer and JB!


  1. Oh, there are many commitments that need to be addressed...first and foremost is my own to the looney bin! I'm thinking that's not the kind of commitment you're talking about though. [grin]

    My family is actually very close, with everybody involved in everything...sometimes too much. I used to write a family newsletter that went out monthly, then I settled on quarterly. I know that all of my relatives, especially the older generations, really enjoyed receiving. That could be something to consider doing again. Phone calls would be a good idea though...and wouldn't require nearly as much work!

    That's awesome about The Fortune Hunter -- an absolute favorite of mine -- being sold to a Japanese publisher!! WhooHOO! You ROCK!!

  2. Thank you on The Fortune Hunter, Rosemary!

    The newsletter sounds great, Rosemary. I remember the last time you told me you'd put one together. Wasn't it called The Grapevine? But phone calls are easier, too. I just called my Mom. She arrived in England this morning and is staying with one of my aunts. So I had a nice conversation with both of them.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hi, Jasmine! How great that you've got the freedom to stay in touch more easily (and cheaply!) now! That is one exciting thing about these times--technology has made it much less expensive (in most ways) to stay in touch. I do remember that long distance used to be far more expensive and something that was reserved for special occasions or emergencies! It's terrific that we can call "just because" now!

    We've been doing OK as a family in terms of staying in touch with immediate family. I'd like to encourage the kids to step up a little as far as taking the initiative to call or write--I don't think they realize how much it means to their grandparents and other family when they do make the effort!

    And woohoo on the Fortune Hunter! Please don't enter me (I've got my copy already! ;))


  4. Yes, Fedora, with all these new calling plans, not to mention email, it's so much easier to stay in touch. But you know, I kinda miss letters. Remember when you went ot the mailbox, and there was a lovely long letter from someone. And you couldn't wait to write back! As for kids and grandparents, if they don't live very close, the phone is wonderful. I know it's helped my mom to really know her grandkids, whereas my always seemed like strangers to me, even when they did visit.

    And thank you on the Fortune Hunter!

  5. Hi Jasmine, something I have committed to is to stay in touch with friends. I always hated it when my friends would couple up or get married and then I hardly heard from them. Then finally I met a decnt guy and am in a wonderful relationship and slowly but surely I found myself doing the same thing!
    So I resolved to spend one day a week with friends...
    MY BF is so good about understanding this. He is not the "buddy" type so he has never had the urge to hang out with his friends and go out to the sports bars...
    He is happy with me in our little love nest...awwww

  6. Aww, that is wonderful, Mari, that your BF loves being in the love nest with you. But I agree, when we find a significant other, we often tend to lose sight of our friends. So I think it's wonderful that you make a point effort to keep up with them!

  7. Anonymous3:46 PM

    My son had Vonage put in his room this past year and he liked it pretty well, but now he is off to college and has not canceled his Vonage account yet, don't figure!

    I am a type of person if I make a commitment, I will stick with it. I just haven't made any commitments lately or I would tell you about them.

    That's great news about The Fortune Hunter.


  8. It's true, Jasmine, I still love a handwritten note! I'm trying to instill that response in my kids, so we do try to write thank yous by hand for gifts and that sort of thing :)

    I do find it amazing that in such a short time, we've gone from when computers were rare and expensive, to where they're practically ubiquitous and now even my parents have e-mail and know how to check a blog, etc.

  9. Thank goodness for cell phones! We
    don't have Vonage, but an equally
    good system which works well for us! My chief reason: my eldest granddaughter is away from home for the first time. She is going to college in Indiana. I can call every other day (or two) to allay my feelings at being apart. She can call home when she feels sad or lonely. As I mentioned earlier: thank goodness for cell phones!!

    Pat Cochran

  10. Thank you on The Fortune Hunter, Virginia. And maybe you should use your son's Vonage!

    I have gotten back into writing thank you notes, Fedora, even for a dinner over at a friend's. It's just such a nice, friendly thing to do, and I'm glad you're having your kids make it a practice. And oh I wish I could get my mom to use email!!! But no such luck.

    Oh Pat, I do agree on the cell phones! We have "friends and family" and I've never talked to my brother so much! Also nice to be able to get hold of Mom when she's out and about. And I'm so glad you get to keep in touch with your granddaughter that way!

  11. I still use the ole' snail mail for alot of the correspondence as alot of my family members don't have a computer. My dad says he can't understand that new fangeled technology and doesn't want to. lol

    For my husbands family we use the internet alot as most all of them are online. So we don't make alot of long distance phone calls. I like getting an actual letter in the mail or a card. My Nieces and Nephews have never sent me an actual card or letter it's all been email's, which are fine I just remember when things were different and now I sound like I'm alot older than my 39 years. lol

  12. My family lives in a 150 mile radius and we stay in touch and have a family get together at least every couple of months.


  13. I really remember when things were different, Mary, LOL! And my mom is like your dad, doesn't like those "new-fangled" things! Ah, but at least she uses her cell phone. Personal appearances are even better!

    Wow, Estella, that's wonderful that your family lives so close. I wish I'd grown up with that! I'm very jealous!

  14. I talk to my daughters and my sister every day. My parents usually once a week. They don't like to talk on the phone much.

  15. That is wonderful on the Vonage Rosemary! It's so nice to be close to family and to save money while you keep in touch well that's just icing on the cake right there!

    I love Jasmine Haynes she's got some really hot books! Great prize I have a few of her books but none of them are autographed. Too cool!

  16. You're already doing it, Mint, keeping in touch is wonderful.

    Thank you, Jenn, I'm so glad you like my Jasmine books! And yes, it's wonderful when you get to stay in touch for free, I love free!

    Okay, everyone, I'm off to pick the winner of The Fortune Hunter! Back in a few!

  17. And the winner of The Fortune Hunter is Mari! Please email me on skully at skullybuzz dot com

    Thanks for stopping by everyone!
